Man pages for THLfi/thlGraphs
THL style graphs

borrBorrelioositartuntojen jakautuminen Suomessa 2017
thlAnnotateAdd annotations to the plot
thlBarPlotMake THL bar plots, vertical and horizontal
thlColorsGenerate THL colour palettes
thlColorsDisplayDisplay THL colours
thlLinePlotMake thlLinePlot
thlNaLinesLinear interpolation of missing values with dotted line in...
thlPlotLogoInsert THL default logo to a plot
thlPtsConvertConversion from PostScript points to millimeters
thlShadeTransparent or lighter versions of colors
thlThemeTHL visual theme using ggplot2
thlYaxisControlControl y-axis limits, big marks and decimal marks
yli180Erikoissairaanhoidosssa yli 180 vrk odottaneet
yli90Perusterveydenhuollossa hoitoonpääsyä yli 90 vrk odottaneiden...
THLfi/thlGraphs documentation built on April 23, 2022, 6:53 a.m.