Man pages for TR-API-Samples/Article.TRTH.R.TRTHinR
RTH in R (Title Case)

RTHCheckRequestStatusPolling the extraction status. On Demand extraction requests...
RTHExtractRawPerforms an on demand extraction returning the raw results as...
RTHGetUserPackageDeliveriesGet the user package delivery and save it to disk
RTHGetValidContentFieldTypesReturns a list of valid ContentFieldTypes for the report...
RTHHistoricalSearchSearch for historical instruments given an instrument...
RTHLoginRequest authentication token
RTHReferenceHistoryRetrieve FID reference history events for a set of RICs in a...
RTHSetTokenSet authentication token
RTHUserInfoRetrieves a single User information.
RTHUserPackageDeliveriesByDateRangeList all user package deliveries (data files) for one...
RTHUserPackageDeliveriesByPackageIdList all user package deliveries (data files) for one...
RTHUserPackagesRetrieve the list of all user packages, i.e. packages to...
TR-API-Samples/Article.TRTH.R.TRTHinR documentation built on Oct. 26, 2021, 10:17 p.m.