Man pages for TWilliamBell/angler
calculate sexual shape and size dimorphism from landmark data

bootSShD@export Sex Data to format used by our Functions
ConvertSexFormatConvert Sex Data to format used by our Functions
DShapeEffect Size of Sexual Shape Dimorphism
euclideanEuclidean Norm
PSDShapePooled Standard Deviations of Shape
PSDSizePooled Standard Deviation for Size with respect to Sex
SSDFuncSexual Size Dimorphism Calculator
SSDLMSexual Size Dimorphism Calculator
SSDLogSexual Size Dimorphism Calculator
SSDwSESSD with Standard Error estimated via a Bootstrap
SShD3DFuncCalculating Sexual Shape Dimorphism
SShDFastCalculating Sexual Shape Dimorphism Fast
SShDFuncCalculating Sexual Shape Dimorphism
SShDLMCalculate SShD using the lm() function
SShDwSESShD and its Standard Error via a Bootstrap
StratBootSShDSSDCalculate stratified Standard Errors for SShD and SSD
StratDShapeEffect Size of Sexual Shape Dimorphism by Stratum
StratPSDShapeCalculates the Pooled Standard Deviation of Shape by Group
StratPSDSizeCalculate the Pooled Standard Deviation for Size for each...
StratSSDWithin-Group SSD Calculation
StratSSDBootStratified Standard Error calculator for SSD
StratSShDWithin-Group SShD calculation
StratSShDBootStandard Error of SShD
StratSShDwSECalculate stratified Standard Errors for SShD and SSD
StratZStatCalculate Geomorph's Z-Statistic for Sexual Shape Dimorphism...
zero3DSShDCalculates Shape Diversity regardless of Sex
zeroSShDCalculates Shape Diversity regardless of Sex
zeroSShDLMCalculates Shape Diversity regardless of Sex
ZStatGeomorph's Z-statistic for Sexual Shape Dimorphism
TWilliamBell/angler documentation built on March 31, 2022, midnight