Man pages for Tatvic/RGoogleAnalytics
R Wrapper for the Google Analytics API

AuthAuthorize the RGoogleAnalytics package to the user's Google...
GetAcctDataFeedJSONThis function will make a request to the Google Management...
GetDataFeedThis will request with the prepared Query to the Google...
GetProfilesRetrieve the list of Profiles for the Google Analytics...
GetProfilesFromJSONThis function will do the parsing operation on the JSON...
GetReportDataQuery the Google Analytics API for the specified dimensions,...
InitInitialize the Google Analytics query parameters
PaginateQueryPaginate through pages of Google Analytics Query responses In...
ParseApiErrorMessageTo check whether the returned JSON response is error or not....
ParseDataFeedJSONThis function will parse the json response and checks if the...
QueryBuilderInitialize a QueryBuilder object with the given parameters...
RefreshToAccessTokenThis function takes the Refresh Token as an argument and...
SetColDataTypeThis will set the appropriate data type to the each column of...
SetDataFrameTo prepare the dataframe by applying the column names and...
SplitQueryDaywiseThis function breaks up the time range (as specified by Start...
ToUriReturns the URI constructed from the parameter settings. This...
ValidateTokenCheck whether the Access Token has expired
Tatvic/RGoogleAnalytics documentation built on May 9, 2019, 4:20 p.m.