Importing Packages

getPackages() provides a method for checking, installing, and loading a list of package names. Specifically this function will:

Usage: getPackages("ggplot2", "ggvis", "ggmaps")

install.packagesArchive() provides a wrapper for installing packages found on the CRAN archive.

Usage: install.packagesArchive(package = "mixlow", version = "2.0.1")

Importing Data

read_workbook() is a wrapper for readxl::read_excel(), in which all sheets of a workbook are read into R, with each sheet taking on the name provided in excel. Sheets are either individually added to the global environment as data.frames via add_to_Envir=TRUE, and/or appended together as a list of data.frames and returned via output_ls=TRUE.

Usage: read_workbook(C:/User/Me/MyWorkbook.xls)

getVarLabelTable() pulls in variable label data for data imported using either the foreign or Hmisc packages. A data.frame containing the variable names in the first column and variable labels in the second column is returned.

Usage: getVarLabelTable(importedDataObject)

Importing .R files

sourceDir() iterates through all .R files found in a given directory and sources them via source().

Usage: sourceDir("C:/User/Me/AllMyRFiles/")

TaylorAndrew/atImport documentation built on May 9, 2019, 4:22 p.m.