Convert letters to numbers:

letters2numbers() returns the number(s) corresponding to a letter or set of letters. Useful when a researcher tells you he is interested in column k, bc, and dd from an excel sheet.

Usage: letters2numbers(letterlist)

Quickly print data.frame, table, and matrix objects to word documents.

qprint() prints data.frame, matrix, and table objects to word documents.

Usage: qprint(table = FALSE, filename = "RPrintout.doc", tableHeading = "Table X", row.names = FALSE, fontsize = 10, column.margins = 1)

A 'Better' rep() function:

rep_() is a 'better' implementation of the rep (repeat) base R function.

Usage: rep_(x, times = 1, each = NULL)

Get Current Day's Date

tdate() returns a character string of the current day's date. It is a convenience wrapper for 'format(Sys.Date())'.

Usage: tdate(format = "%Y%B%d")

TaylorAndrew/atMisc documentation built on May 9, 2019, 4:22 p.m.