
test_that("plot_spotoroo() works", {
  result <- hotspot_cluster(hotspots,
                            lon = "lon",
                            lat = "lat",
                            obsTime = "obsTime",
                            activeTime = 24,
                            adjDist = 3000,
                            minPts = 4,
                            minTime = 3,
                            ignitionCenter = "mean",
                            timeUnit = "h",
                            timeStep = 1)

  expect_silent(plot_spotoroo(result, type = "def"))
  expect_silent(plot_spotoroo(result, type = "def",
                              cluster = 1:3,
                              from = as.POSIXct("2020-01-20"),
                              to = as.POSIXct("2020-01-27"),
                              noise = TRUE))

  expect_silent(plot_spotoroo(result, type = "mov"))
  expect_silent(plot_spotoroo(result, type = "mov",
                              cluster = 1:3,
                              from = as.POSIXct("2019-01-20"),
                              to = as.POSIXct("2020-01-27")))

  expect_no_error(plot_spotoroo(result, type = "timeline"))
  expect_no_error(plot_spotoroo(result, type = "timeline",
                                from = as.POSIXct("2020-01-20"),
                                to = as.POSIXct("2020-01-27"),
                                mainBreak = "1 week",
                                minorBreak = "1 hour",
                                dateLabel = "%b %d"))

  temp_hotspots <- hotspots
  temp_hotspots$obsTime <- transform_time_id(temp_hotspots$obsTime, "h", 1)

  result <- hotspot_cluster(temp_hotspots,
                            lon = "lon",
                            lat = "lat",
                            obsTime = "obsTime",
                            activeTime = 24,
                            adjDist = 3000,
                            minPts = 4,
                            minTime = 3,
                            ignitionCenter = "mean")

  expect_silent(plot_spotoroo(result, type = "def"))
  expect_silent(plot_spotoroo(result, type = "def",
                              cluster = 1:3,
                              from = 500,
                              to = 800,
                              noise = TRUE))

  expect_silent(plot_spotoroo(result, type = "mov"))
  expect_silent(plot_spotoroo(result, type = "mov",
                              cluster = 1:3,
                              from = 1,
                              to = 800))

  expect_no_error(plot_spotoroo(result, type = "timeline"))
  expect_no_error(plot_spotoroo(result, type = "timeline",
                                from = 500,
                                to = 800,
                                mainBreak = 7*24,
                                minorBreak = 1))
TengMCing/hotspotcluster documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 12:47 p.m.