Man pages for Terrabrasilis/terrabrasilisAnalyticsAPI
The R client for TerraBrasilis analytics API of thematic maps

appsHeaderset header for apps
configHeaderset header for configs
dataHeaderset handle for handle
dataTransformJSON2tibbletransform json into tibble
get_dataByLocalOfInterestget data by local of interest
get_dataByParametersget data by querying parameters
list_classeslist all classes
list_datasetsset header for configs
list_filterslist all filters
list_localOfInterestByLocallist all loinames by loi
list_local_of_interestslist all local of interest names
list_localslist all locals
list_periodslist all periods
tba_requestsend request
Terrabrasilis/terrabrasilisAnalyticsAPI documentation built on April 20, 2021, 2:11 p.m.