Man pages for TheGreatGospel/FemFit
Functions to Analyse FemFit Datasets

deriveZeroDerive the zeroed pressures of a FemFit dataset
deriveZero_ChildInternal functions of 'deriveZero'
FemFit_mergeCSVsMerge sessions in an FemFit dataset
FemFit_removeNAsRemove NAs from an FemFit dataset
FemFit_removeSpikesRemove Spikes from an FemFit dataset
plot.FemFitPlot an FemFit object.
read_FemFitReading an FemFit dataset
repeatAnalysisDerive the proportion of similarities in the shape of event...
repeatAnalysis_ChildInternal functions of 'repeatAnalysis'
segmentSegment an FemFit dataset
segmentRefine_pcurveSegment within a JSONLabel with a principal curve
segmentRefine_protocolSegment within a JSONLabel with protocol information
summary.FemFitSummarise the events of a FemFit Object
write_FemFitOutput an FemFit dataset
TheGreatGospel/FemFit documentation built on May 21, 2019, 9:19 a.m.