Man pages for TheJacksonLaboratory/sRACIPE_dev
Systems biology tool to simulate gene regulatory circuits

calcHeatmapSimilarityCalculates the similarity between two gene expression data.
density_plotPlot the density
densityPlotDensity Plot
genParamNamesGenerate parameter names for a circuit
helloHello, World!
knockdownAnalysisPerform in-silico knockdown analysis
loadCircuitLoad the topology from a file.
loadConfigLoad the sRACIPE configuration from a file.
load_dataLoad Data (Deprecated).
ModelPvalueReturns the variance array after permutations.
normalizeGENormalize the gene expression data
NthMinFind nth minimum value from a vector
overExprAnalysisPerform in-silico over expression analysis
PermutedVarFind variance of permutations
plotCircuitPlot Gene Regulatory Circuit
plotDataPlot sRACIPE data
plot_data_deterministicPlot the simulated data
plot_data_knockout_allPlot knockout data for all genes (Deprecated)
plot_data_knockout_singlePlot knockout Data (Deprecated)
plot_data_stochasticPlot Stochastic Data (Deprecated)
plot_networkPlot the network (Deprecated)
plotParamBifurParameter bifurcation plots
SimulatedPValueAbsFinds the variance corresponding to a given value.
SimulatedVarPValueFinds the variance corresponding to a given value.
simulateGRCSimulate a gene regulatory circuit using RACIPE
sRACIPEsRACIPE: A package for stochastic random circuit...
sRACIPE_load_configuration(deprecated) Load the sRACIPE configuration from a file.
sRACIPE_load_topology(deprecated) Load the topology from a file.
TheJacksonLaboratory/sRACIPE_dev documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:16 a.m.