
R package {LiteXploreR} for concise exploratory data analysis


This package compiles some functions for quick, dirty, and repetitive exploratory analysis which may otherwise lengthen the script unnecessarily. Emphasis is placed on the purpose of credit scoring, where WoE modelling (Semi Naive Bayesian Classification) is routinely used. Most of functions caters to the prediction of binary target variable.

There are some functions written for analyses involving a target taking a continuous value, but they have a long way to go, and will be expanded over time.


The development of this package will not be possible without the workflow inspired by Dr. Bernd Engelmann from OSIS.

In addition, Mr. John Mount from Win Vector LLC has provided inputs of tremendous value in the computation of Area Under the ROC Curve.

How to Download this Package

As {LiteXploreR} is hosted on GitHub, you will need to use the function install_github() for the package {devtools} to install it.

To do that, you need to run the following lines of code in your R console:




Then-Terence/LiteXploreR documentation built on May 18, 2019, 8:07 p.m.