knitr::opts_chunk$set( message = FALSE, error = FALSE, warning = FALSE, comment = NA )
\newpage We will cover some advanced features of the R package hmmTMB, using the energy price example from the MSwM package (@sanchez2021). The vignette "Analysing time series data with hidden Markov models in hmmTMB" is a better starting point to learn about the basic functionalities of hmmTMB, and we build on it here. The sections of this document are mostly independent.
# Load packages and color palette library(ggplot2) theme_set(theme_bw()) library(hmmTMB) pal <- hmmTMB:::hmmTMB_cols
The data set includes energy prices in Spain between 2002 and 2008, as well as some potential explanatory variables (e.g., raw material prices, financial indices). Refer to ?MSwM::energy
, or to the other vignette, for more detail about the data set.
data(energy, package = "MSwM") # Add time column to data set for plots day1 <- as.POSIXct("2002/01/01", format = "%Y/%m/%d", tz = "GMT") day2 <- as.POSIXct("2008/10/31", format = "%Y/%m/%d", tz = "GMT") days_with_we <- seq(day1, day2, by = "1 day") which_we <- which(format(days_with_we, '%u') %in% 6:7) days <- days_with_we[-which_we] energy$Day <- days ggplot(energy, aes(Day, Price)) + geom_line()
HMMs are most often presented as a method for unsupervised learning: the states are not known a priori, and their definition is data-driven. This is also the default way to use hmmTMB, which is described in other vignettes. In some applications, we might know what the hidden states are for some of the time steps. This could be the case for example in an ecological study where the hidden state is the behavioural state of the animal, if direct observations of the behaviour are available for some period of time. Another example might be a study where the states can easily be identified manually by a human, but only for a subset of the data because of time constraints.
In cases where such information is available, it is valuable to pass it to the model, to help with defining the states. Indeed, in such a supervised setting, the interpretation of the states is known a priori, rather than purely determined by the data. In hmmTMB, known states can be passed to a model through a column named state
in the data set. If such a column exists, it should include NA
for time steps when the state is not known, and an integer when the state is known (e.g., either 1 or 2 for a two-state model).
In the energy example, the states are not known a priori but, for the sake of illustration, let's assume that some are. More specifically, let's say that we know that the energy prices after January 1st 2007 are all in state 2 (which might represent "high prices"). We should then create a vector of same length as the data, where all elements up to December 31st 2006 are NA
, and all elements from January 1st 2007 are 2.
# Create vector of known states known_states <- rep(NA, nrow(energy)) known_states[which(energy$Day > as.POSIXct("2007/01/01"))] <- 2 # Add to data set data_supervised <- energy data_supervised$state <- known_states # Create model, with data including known states hid <- MarkovChain$new(data = data_supervised, n_states = 2) dists <- list(Price = "gamma2") par0 <- list(Price = list(mean = c(3, 6), sd = c(1, 1))) obs <- Observation$new(data = data_supervised, dists = dists, par = par0) hmm <- HMM$new(hid = hid, obs = obs) # Fit model hmm$fit(silent = TRUE) # Plot prices coloured by most likely state sequence data_supervised$state <- factor(paste0("State ", hmm$viterbi())) ggplot(data_supervised, aes(Day, Price, col = state, group = NA)) + geom_line() + scale_color_manual(values = pal, name = NULL)
The plot of the state-coloured time series confirms that the state was fixed to 2 for 2007-2008. This caused the definition of the states to be different from what they would have been without the known states.
In some applications, it might be useful to apply a fitted model to new data, without fitting it again. For example, consider the case where the full data set is too large to fit a model. We could fit a model to a subset of the data, and then use this model to carry out inferences on the full data set (e.g., state decoding). We call "training data" the subset to which the model is fitted, and "new data" the data set to which we wish to apply the fitted model directly. For example, let's say that the training data consists of the first 500 rows of the energy
data set, and the new data is the rest.
# "Training data" energy_train <- energy[1:500,] # "New data" energy_new <- energy[-(1:500),]
In hmmTMB, the trick to achieve this is to pass the trained model as init
when creating the HMM
object for the new data. When this argument is specified, all parameters of that model are copied into the new model (parameters that the two models have in common). Therefore, this creates an HMM object which stores the new data, but the parameter values estimated from the training data.
# Create and fit model to training data hid_train <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy_train, n_states = 2) dists <- list(Price = "gamma2") par0 <- list(Price = list(mean = c(3, 6), sd = c(1, 1))) obs_train <- Observation$new(data = energy_train, dists = dists, par = par0) hmm_train <- HMM$new(hid = hid_train, obs = obs_train) hmm_train$fit(silent = TRUE) # Create model for new data, but don't fit hid_new <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy_new, n_states = 2) obs_new <- Observation$new(data = energy_new, dists = dists, par = par0) hmm_new <- HMM$new(hid = hid_new, obs = obs_new, init = hmm_train) # Check parameters hmm_new
Then, we can use this model without fitting it, for example to get the most likely state sequence for the new data, based on the parameters estimated from the training data. We can also plot some model outputs, like a time series coloured by state, or plots of the new data overlaid with the distributions estimated from the training data. Looking at these outputs actually makes it clear that the method did not work very well in this example: the state-dependent distributions don't fit the new data well. This approach is only useful in cases where patterns in the training data and the new data are similar, so that the states estimates from the former can describe the latter well.
# Global state decoding head(hmm_new$viterbi()) # Plot new data coloured by states (based on trained model) hmm_new$plot_ts("Price") # Check whether distributions fit the new data well hmm_new$plot_dist("Price")
Parameters of the model can be fixed using the argument fixpar
when creating an HMM
object. If a parameter is fixed, then it stays fixed at its initial value rather than being estimated. This may be useful in many situations, for example if we know that a given transition probability is zero. It is also possible to specify that two (or more) parameters should be estimated, but with a common value. Under the hood, this functionality uses the argument map
of MakeADFun
in TMB, and you can refer to ?TMB::MakeADFun
for more details.
The fixpar
argument should be a named list with elements from: obs
(observation parameters), hid
(transition probabilities), lambda_obs
(smoothness parameter for observation process), lambda_hid
(smoothness parameter for hidden process), and delta0
(initial distribution of hidden process). Each of these entries should be a named vector, in a format similar to that expected by TMB with map
. Specifically, each element of the vector should be named after a working parameter of the model, which can be found by hmm$coeff_fe()
or hmm$lambda()
, and its value should be: (i) NA
if it is fixed, or (ii) some integer if several parameters have a common value.
The chunk below shows a few examples to illustrate the syntax that should be used, and we describe a couple of examples in more detail in the next subsections.
# Intercept for "mean" parameter fixed in state 1 fixpar <- list(obs = c("Price.mean.state1.(Intercept)" = NA)) # Intercept for Pr(1>2) fixed fixpar <- list(hid = c("S1>S2.(Intercept)" = NA)) # Same intercepts for Pr(S1 -> S2) and Pr(S2 -> S1) fixpar <- list(hid = c("S1>S2.(Intercept)" = 1, "S2>S1.(Intercept)" = 1)) # Pr(S[1] = 1) fixed fixpar <- list(delta0 = c("state1" = NA))
We first turn to the case where some of the state-dependent observation parameters should be fixed. We fit a 3-state model with a gamma distribution for the energy price, and assume that we know the standard deviations of the three gamma distributions a priori, and therefore fix them to 0.5. To do this, we first need to set the initial standard deviations to 0.5 when creating the Observation
hid <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy, n_states = 3) dists <- list(Price = "gamma2") par0 <- list(Price = list(mean = c(2, 5, 7), sd = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))) obs <- Observation$new(data = energy, dists = dists, par = par0)
Then, we use the argument fixpar
to indicate that they should be kept fixed. The names of the working parameters corresponding to the three standard deviations can be found using obs$coeff_fe()
# Find names of working parameters for SDs obs$coeff_fe() # List of fixed parameters fixpar <- list(obs = c("" = NA, "" = NA, "" = NA)) # Create and fit model with fixed parameters hmm <- HMM$new(hid = hid, obs = obs, fixpar = fixpar) hmm$fit(silent = TRUE) # Check that standard deviations were kept fixed hmm
Alternatively, we might want to estimate the standard deviations, but constrain them to have a common value (rather than estimating them as three separate parameters). To do this, we need to set the elements of fixpar
to some integer (which should be the same for all three standard deviations), rather than NA
# List of fixed parameters fixpar <- list(obs = c("" = 1, "" = 1, "" = 1)) # Create and fit model with fixed parameters hmm <- HMM$new(hid = hid, obs = obs, fixpar = fixpar) hmm$fit(silent = TRUE) # Check that standard deviations have common value hmm
Similarly, the transition probabilities can be kept fixed or fixed to a common value using fixpar
. Note that, due to the multinomial logit link function used for the transition probabilities, it is sometimes impossible to fix a single transition probability. For example, in a 3-state model, fixing S1>S2.(Intercept)
(the intercept for $\gamma_{12}$) does not necessarily fix the value of $\gamma_{12}$, because the transition probability also depends on S1>S3.(Intercept)
(in the denominator of the multinomial logit). There are however three important cases where a transition probability can be fixed:
In a 2-state model, fixing the intercept parameter fixes the corresponding transition probability (because each transition probability only depends on one intercept parameter, unlike in models with 3 or more states).
If the intercept is fixed to $-\infty$, then the corresponding transition probability is fixed to zero.
It is possible to fix a complete row of the transition probability matrix.
The most common application might be a model where some transitions are prohibited, and therefore should have probability fixed to zero. Consider the 3-state model with transition probability matrix $$ \Gamma = \begin{pmatrix} \gamma_{11} & \gamma_{12} & 0 \ \gamma_{21} & \gamma_{22} & \gamma_{23} \ 0 & \gamma_{32} & \gamma_{33} \end{pmatrix}, $$ i.e., where transitions cannot occur between states 1 and 3.
This could be implemented by setting the initial values for $\gamma_{13}$ and $\gamma_{31}$ to zero, and then using fixpar
to keep them fixed.
# Create Markov chain with initial transition probabilities tpm0 <- matrix(c(0.9, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.9), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE) hid <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy, n_states = 3, tpm = tpm0) # Create observation model dists <- list(Price = "gamma2") par0 <- list(Price = list(mean = c(2, 5, 7), sd = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))) obs <- Observation$new(data = energy, dists = dists, par = par0) # Find names of working parameters for transition probabilities hid$coeff_fe() # List of fixed parameters fixpar <- list(hid = c("S1>S3.(Intercept)" = NA, "S3>S1.(Intercept)" = NA)) # Create and fit model with fixed parameters hmm <- HMM$new(hid = hid, obs = obs, fixpar = fixpar) hmm$fit(silent = TRUE) # Check that transition probabilities were kept fixed hmm
There are functions to modify an existing model without having to create a new model object from scratch.
It is possible to manually update the parameters stored in the different model components, for example to change the initial parameters. We can either change the model parameters themselves (e.g., transition probabilities, observation parameters), or the underlying working parameters. The latter option is mostly useful in cases where the model includes covariates, as this is the only way to change the corresponding effect parameters.
# Create model with default transition probabilities hid <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy, n_states = 2) hid$tpm() # Update transition probabilities new_tpm <- matrix(c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), nrow = 2) hid$update_tpm(tpm = new_tpm) hid$tpm() # Create model with covariate and default effect (zero) hid <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy, n_states = 2, formula = ~Oil) hid$coeff_fe() # Update working parameters hid$update_coeff_fe(coeff_fe = c(-3, 0.1, -3, -0.1)) hid$coeff_fe()
In the same way, we can manually modify the parameters (including the working parameters if necessary) of the observation model.
# Create observation model with some initial parameters dists <- list(Price = "gamma2") par0 <- list(Price = list(mean = c(2, 7), sd = c(0.5, 0.5))) obs <- Observation$new(data = energy, dists = dists, par = par0) obs$par() # Update parameters new_par <- list(Price = list(mean = c(1, 5), sd = c(0.5, 1))) obs$update_par(par = new_par) obs$par()
Note that, if these MarkovChain
and Observation
objects had been used to create an HMM
object, then this would also change the parameters in that HMM
The formulas on any model parameters can also be updated for an existing model, using the update()
function. This is not an R6 method, so we call it as update(hmm, ...)
rather than hmm$update(...)
. First, we create a covariate-free model for illustration.
# Create model with no covariates hid <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy, n_states = 2) dists <- list(Price = "gamma2") par0 <- list(Price = list(mean = c(2, 7), sd = c(0.5, 0.5))) obs <- Observation$new(data = energy, dists = dists, par = par0) hmm <- HMM$new(obs = obs, hid = hid) # Check model formulation hmm
The arguments of the function update
are the following:
is an HMM
refers to the model component that should be changed, either "hid"
or "obs"
and j
are used to indicate which specific formula should be changed. If type = "hid"
, these are the indices of the transition probability for which the formula should be updated. If type = "obs"
, i
is the name of the relevant variable, and j
the name of the relevant parameter.
is a template describing how the formula should be updated. See ?update.formula
for more details.
is a logical indicating whether the updated model should be fitted or not.
The chunk below illustrates the use of update
. We first update the hidden state model, to add a linear effect of the covariate Oil
on the transition probability $\gamma_{12} = \Pr(S_t = 2 \vert S_{t-1} = 1)$, then add a linear effect of the covariate Oil
on the transition probability $\gamma_{21} = \Pr(S_t = 1 \vert S_{t-1} = 2)$, then add a non-linear effect of EurDol
on the mean parameter of the Price
# Update formula for Pr(S1 > S2) hmm2 <- update(object = hmm, type = "hid", i = 1, j = 2, change = ~ . + Oil, fit = FALSE) # Update formula for Pr(S2 > S1) hmm2 <- update(object = hmm2, type = "hid", i = 2, j = 1, change = ~ . + Oil, fit = FALSE) # Update formula for Price mean hmm2 <- update(object = hmm2, type = "obs", i = "Price", j = "mean", change = ~ . + s(EurDol, k = 5, bs = "cs"), fit = TRUE, silent = TRUE) # Plot covariate effects hmm2$plot("delta", var = "Oil") hmm2$plot("obspar", var = "EurDol", i = "Price.mean")
Here, we only decided to fit the final model. However, it can sometimes be a strategy to fit several incrementally more complex models, to ensure that the initial parameter values used for the more complex model are good.
In hmmTMB, the models are fitted using numerical optimisation of the log-likelihood function, based on the nlminb
function. This procedure essentially consists of exploring the parameter space to find the maximum of the log-likelihood, and it requires a starting point from where to start the search. This starting point should be provided by the user, and poorly chosen initial starting values can lead to numerical problems. In particular, if the starting point is too far from the maximum, the optimiser can get stuck in a local maximum of the log-likelihood, and fail to converge to the global maximum. This issue is discussed in more detail in the following vignette of the package moveHMM: \url{}.
Here, we discuss three strategies for selecting initial parameter values.
The closer the initial values are to the global maximum, the easier it is for hmmTMB to converge. So, we want to make an educated guess to choose plausible values, given the data and what we expect the states to be. For this purpose, it is often valuable to plot the response variables, and think about what we might expect the state-dependent distributions to look like.
As an example, consider that we want to model the energy price data by a 2-state model, with gamma distributions, parameterised by a mean and standard deviation (this is the distribution named "gamma2"
in hmmTMB). We can plot a histogram of the observed prices, and think about how it could be modelled by a mixture of two gamma distributions.
ggplot(energy, aes(Price)) + geom_histogram(col = "white", bins = 20)
The energy prices are between 0 and 10, so we know that the mean parameters will also be between those two bounds. If we anticipate that one state will capture the lower prices, and one state the higher prices, we can hypothesise that the first mean will be around 3, and the second mean around 6 or so. Similarly, given the spread of the data, it seems plausible that each distribution would have a standard deviation of about 1. So, we could define the initial parameters as a list that contains these values.
par0 <- list(Price = list(mean = c(3, 6), sd = c(1, 1)))
In addition to the histogram, it can also be convenient to plot the state-dependent distributions corresponding to a set of starting values, to see if they seem reasonable. This can be done using plot_dist()
in hmmTMB, and it suggests that the values proposed above were adequate.
# Create hidden state process hid <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy, n_states = 2) # Create observation model dists <- list(Price = "gamma2") par0 <- list(Price = list(mean = c(3, 6), sd = c(1, 1))) obs <- Observation$new(data = energy, dists = dists, par = par0) # Create HMM hmm <- HMM$new(hid = hid, obs = obs) # Plot histogram of prices, and initial state-dependent distributions hmm$plot_dist("Price")
Although it is no substitute for thinking critically about what would be plausible initial parameter values, hmmTMB implements a more automated method to suggest initial values for a given model. This is implemented in the function Observation$suggest_initial()
, which uses the following procedure:
Apply K-means clustering to group the observations into $N$ classes (where $N$ is the number of states of the HMM). K-means is a simple clustering algorithm which ignores temporal autocorrelation in the data, but in many cases it will be good enough to roughly identify $N$ coherent groups in the data.
For each of the $N$ clusters, estimate parameters for the observation distribution if it were fitted only to the data in that cluster. For example, if we were using normal state-dependent distributions, the parameters for that cluster would be approximated by the empirical mean and standard deviation of the data. In practice, this is done by the function Dist$parapprox()
Return a list of the parameters, which can directly be passed to update_par()
The key assumption behind this approach is that the K-means clusters are a good approximation of the HMM states. When this is not the case, the suggested values might not be very good, so this should be applied with care.
# Create observation model dists <- list(Price = "gamma2") # These initial values don't matter, we will update them par0 <- list(Price = list(mean = c(3, 6), sd = c(1, 1))) obs <- Observation$new(data = energy, dists = dists, par = par0) # Get suggested initial parameters par0 <- obs$suggest_initial() par0 obs$update_par(par = par0) obs$par()
A third useful approach to select initial parameter values for complex models is to start from a simple model, and incrementally add model components (e.g., add formulas). In this procedure, the estimated parameters for the simpler model can be used as starting values for the more complex model, which reduces the risk of numerical issues.
Consider that we want to eventually fit a model to the energy prices with the linear effect of oil price on the transition probabilities, and a quadratic relationship between the price mean and the euro-dollar exchange rate. This is a model with many parameters, and there would be a high chance of convergence issues if we tried to fit it with poorly chosen initial parameter values.
In the code below, we use the argument init
to create a new HMM
object with parameters taken from another model. The parameters that are shared are copied from the first model, and parameters that are not shared are kept at their default initial value (e.g., zero for covariate effect parameters).
############################ ## Model 1: no covariates ## ############################ # Create hidden state process hid1 <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy, n_states = 2) # Create observation model dists <- list(Price = "gamma2") par0 <- list(Price = list(mean = c(3, 6), sd = c(1, 1))) obs1 <- Observation$new(data = energy, dists = dists, par = par0) # Create HMM hmm1 <- HMM$new(hid = hid1, obs = obs1) hmm1$fit(silent = TRUE) # Estimated (working) parameters hmm1$coeff_fe() ############################### ## Model 2: covariate on tpm ## ############################### # Create hidden state process hid2 <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy, n_states = 2, formula = ~Oil) # Create observation model obs2 <- Observation$new(data = energy, dists = dists, par = par0) # Create HMM with initial values from hmm1 hmm2 <- HMM$new(hid = hid2, obs = obs2, init = hmm1) hmm2$coeff_fe() hmm2$fit(silent = TRUE) hmm2$coeff_fe() ############################################ ## Model 3: covariates on tpm and obs par ## ############################################ # Create hidden state process hid3 <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy, n_states = 2, formula = ~Oil) # Create observation model f <- list(Price = list(mean = ~poly(EurDol, 2))) obs3 <- Observation$new(data = energy, dists = dists, par = par0, formula = f) # Create HMM with initial values from hmm1 hmm3 <- HMM$new(hid = hid3, obs = obs3, init = hmm2) hmm3$coeff_fe() hmm3$fit(silent = TRUE) hmm3$coeff_fe()
This could also be achieved, in a more concise way, using the update()
function to add formulas to the model.
Model fitting in hmmTMB is done using the Template Model Builder (TMB) package (@kristensen2016), and the objects created by TMB can be accessed by the user if needed. We consider the 2-state model for the energy data.
# Create model hid <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy, n_states = 2) dists <- list(Price = "gamma2") par0 <- list(Price = list(mean = c(3, 6), sd = c(1, 1))) obs <- Observation$new(data = energy, dists = dists, par = par0) hmm <- HMM$new(hid = hid, obs = obs) # Fit model hmm$fit(silent = TRUE)
The method tmb_obj()
returns the object created by TMB::MakeADFun()
, a list with elements that can be used to evaluate the negative log-likelihood function of the model and its gradient. In hmmTMB, these are passed to nlminb()
for model fitting. Consult the TMB documentation (and particularly ?TMB::MakeADFun
) for more details about what the list components are.
# Names of TMB object names(hmm$tmb_obj()) # Initial parameters hmm$tmb_obj()$par # Evaluate negative log-likelihood at initial parameters hmm$tmb_obj()$fn(hmm$tmb_obj()$par)
After the model is fitted, the function TMB::sdreport()
is used to get the joint precision matrix of the fixed effect and random effect parameters of the model, which is then used for uncertainty quantification. Mathematical details about how the precision matrix is derived are described in the TMB documentation (?TMB::sdreport
In hmmTMB, this output is available through the tmb_rep()
function. Printing it shows a table of estimated model parameters and their standard errors.
We can for example extract from this object a vector of estimated fixed effect parameters, and the corresponding covariance matrix. If this model included random effects (or penalised splines), similar objects would be available for the predicted random effects and for the joint precision matrix of the fixed and random effect parameters.
# Estimated fixed effect parameters hmm$tmb_rep()$par.fixed # ...and the corresponding covariance matrix hmm$tmb_rep()$cov.fixed
The parameters that are estimated by TMB in hmmTMB are working parameters, i.e., unbounded regression parameters on some link scale, rather than the HMM parameters directly. This is because models are fitted using unbounded optimisation, and also to allow for covariate dependence on the HMM parameters. So, TMB provides a covariance matrix and standard errors for the working parameters, but we are more often interested in quantifying the uncertainty on the HMM parameters themselves (possibly for some fixed covariate values). There are several approaches to uncertainty quantification for transformed quantities, e.g., the delta method.
The main method implemented in hmmTMB is to sample from the approximate distribution of the maximum likelihood estimators. Under maximum likelihood theory (and asymptotic conditions), the estimators follow a multivariate normal distribution centred on the true parameter values, with a covariance matrix which can be approximated by the inverse of the Hessian of the negative log-likelihood. Based on this result, we can use the following workflow:
Simulate $K$ replicates from sampling distribution of working parameter estimators, $\theta_1, \theta_2, \dots, \theta_K$ (where $K$ is a large number). Here, each $\theta_k$ is a vector that includes both fixed effect and random effect parameters of the model.
Transform each $\theta_k$ to obtain the parameter(s) of interest, $g(\theta_k)$. This could mean applying an inverse link function, for example.
Use the $g(\theta_k)$ for uncertainty quantification. For example, to obtain an approximate 95\% confidence interval of $g(\theta)$, we would define the lower and upper bounds as the 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles of the $g(\theta_k)$, respectively. The approximation will get better as $K$ increases.
This procedure is implemented in the function predict()
in hmmTMB, which can return confidence intervals for the HMM parameters (for a given data frame of covariate values). Here, we describe lower-level functions that can be used to generate confidence intervals for custom functions $g$, for example. For illustration, we create a model with the linear effect of Oil
on the transition probabilities.
# Create model hid <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy, n_states = 2, formula = ~Oil) dists <- list(Price = "gamma2") par0 <- list(Price = list(mean = c(3, 6), sd = c(1, 1))) obs <- Observation$new(data = energy, dists = dists, par = par0) hmm <- HMM$new(hid = hid, obs = obs) # Fit model hmm$fit(silent = TRUE)
The function post_coeff()
implements the first step in the workflow above, and generates posterior samples for the working parameters. Specifically, it returns a matrix with one row for each replicate, and one column for each parameter. The column names help identify the parameters; e.g., in this example, coeff_fe_obs
are fixed effect parameters for the observation model, coeff_fe_hid
are fixed effect parameters for the transition probabilities hidden state model, and log_delta0
are the parameters for the initial distribution of the state process.
hmm$post_coeff(n_post = 2)
The functions post_linpred()
and post_fn()
build on post_coeff()
to generate posterior samples for the linear predictor of each model parameter, and for some user-defined function of the linear predictor, respectively.
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