#' Update a model to a new model by changing one formula
#' @param object HMM model object
#' @param type Character string for the part of the model that is updated
#' (either "hid" or "obs")
#' @param i If type = "hid" then i is the row of the formula containing the
#' change. If type = "obs" then i is the observation variable name.
#' @param j If type = "hid" then j is the column of the formula containing the
#' change. If type = "obs" then j is the parameter whose formula is to be
#' changed.
#' @param change The change to make to the formula, see ?update.formula for
#' details.
#' @param fit If FALSE then change is made but model is not re-fit.
#' @param silent If TRUE then no model fitting output is given
#' @param ... Additional arguments are ignored (for compatibility with generic
#' S3 method)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load data set from MSwM package
#' data(energy, package = "MSwM")
#' # Create hidden state and observation models
#' hid <- MarkovChain$new(data = energy, n_states = 2)
#' par0 <- list(Price = list(mean = c(3, 6), sd = c(2, 3)))
#' obs <- Observation$new(data = energy, n_states = 2,
#' dists = list(Price = "norm"),
#' par = par0)
#' # Create HMM (no covariate effects)
#' hmm <- HMM$new(hid = hid, obs = obs)
#' hmm$hid()$formula()
#' hmm$obs()$formulas()
#' # Update transition probability formulas (one at a time)
#' hmm <- update(hmm, type = "hid", i = 1, j = 2,
#' change = ~ . + Oil, fit = FALSE)
#' hmm <- update(hmm, type = "hid", i = 2, j = 1,
#' change = ~ . + Gas + Coal, fit = FALSE)
#' hmm$hid()$formula()
#' # Update observation parameter formulas (one at a time)
#' hmm <- update(hmm, type = "obs", i = "Price", j = "mean",
#' change = ~ . + EurDol, fit = FALSE)
#' hmm$obs()$formulas()
update.HMM <- function(object, type, i, j, change, fit = TRUE,
silent = FALSE, ...) {
# make sure data has state column added back in
dat <- object$obs()$data()
if (!all(is.na(object$obs()$known_states(mat = FALSE)))) {
dat$state <- object$obs()$known_states(mat = FALSE)
if (type == "hid") {
# copy model components
new_obs <- object$obs()$clone()
copy_hid <- object$hid()$clone()
# extract current formula
new_formula <- copy_hid$formula()
# update relevant formula
new_formula[i, j] <-
as_character_formula(update(as.formula(new_formula[i, j]), change))
# create new hidden sub-model component
new_hid <- MarkovChain$new(n_states = object$hid()$nstates(),
formula = new_formula,
data = dat,
initial_state = object$hid()$initial_state())
} else if (type == "obs") {
# copy model components
copy_obs <- object$obs()$clone()
new_hid <- object$hid()$clone()
# get formulas
forms <- copy_obs$formulas(raw = TRUE)
# make change
forms[[i]][[j]] <- update(forms[[i]][[j]], change)
# create new obs
new_obs <- Observation$new(data = dat,
dists = copy_obs$dists(),
n_states = copy_obs$nstates(),
par = copy_obs$inipar(),
formulas = forms)
# create new HMM object
new_mod <- HMM$new(obs = new_obs, hid = new_hid, init = object,
fixpar = object$fixpar())
# fit new model
if(fit) new_mod$fit(silent = silent)
# return fitted model
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