Man pages for Thie1e/subsetcor
Test differences of correlations in subsets and run related simulation studies

ci_corConfidence interval of sample correlation coefficient
ci_cor_fisherConfidence interval of sample correlation coefficient (also...
dcorrDensity function of sample correlation coefficient based on...
E_r_integralExpected value of sample correlation coefficient
E_zFunctions for Fisher's z-transformation
getBiCopSimulate bivariate normally distributed data with specified...
getBiCop_exactSimulate bivariate normally distributed data with specified...
getBiCop_indepSimulate independent normally distributed data
getBiCop_nonnorSimulate non-normally distributed data with specified...
inference_cor_permCalculate confidence intervals and p-value for a given...
makeStepsCreate sequence of integers with increasing step size
moments_R_evenMoment functions for the sample correlation coefficient based...
moments_R_oddMoment functions for the sample correlation coefficient based...
pcorrDistribution function of sample correlation coefficient based...
permute_ecdfDraw a permutation from the full sample with size n_subset...
pval_corp-value of sample correlation coefficient
pval_cor_fisherp-value of sample correlation coefficient (also in finite...
rtozFunctions for Fisher's z-transformation
run_cor_simSimulate repetitions of drawing a subset from data of a...
se_zFunctions for Fisher's z-transformation
se_z_finiteFunctions for Fisher's z-transformation
sim_subcorSimulate a single subset correlation of a randomly drawn...
var_r_integralVariance of sample correlation coefficient
ztorFunctions for Fisher's z-transformation
Thie1e/subsetcor documentation built on May 9, 2019, 4:41 p.m.