  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"

Installation from github

devtools::install_github( "ThinkR-open/utf8splain")

Split a string into bytes

bytes( "hello 🌍" )

Split a utf-8 encoded string into unicode runes

If you run it in a crayon compatible terminal, for example a recent enough version of rstudio, the print method gives you a nicer output:

Details about unicode and utf-8

utf-8 encoded strings are divided in a series of runes (aka unicode code points) from the unicode table, for example the rune for the lower case "h" is U+0068.

Each rune is encoded in a variable number of bytes, depending on how far it is in the table, for example "h" (and all other ascii characters) only need one byte, but 🌍 needs 4 bytes.

utf-8 bytes are organised as follows: - the first byte of a rune starts with as many 1 as the rune needs bytes, followed by a 0, e.g. the first rune for the utf-8 encoded 🌍 starts with "11110", and the only byte of the encoded "h" starts with "0" - the remaining bytes (if any) all start with "10"

All the bits that are not taken are used to store the binary representation of the rune, for example the 7 bits "1101000" follow the initial "0" in the encoding of "h". 🌍 correspond to the rune U+1F30D, i.e. the rune number 0x1F30D.

world_decimal <- strtoi( "0x1F30D", base = 16)

world_binary    <- paste( substr(as.character( rev(intToBits(world_decimal)) ), 2, 2 ), collapse = "" )

world_binary_signif <- sub( "^0+", "", world_binary )


So 🌍 needs r nchar(world_binary_signif) bits, which needs 4 utf-8 bytes.

ThinkR-open/utf8splain documentation built on May 6, 2019, 3:29 p.m.