Man pages for ThinkRstat/collage
Image collage

collageImage collage
collage_gridAdds a grid to show the parts of the image to be replaced by...
collage_qualityvisual representation of the quality of the tiles
columns_cutget the right size to split the image into a given number of...
image_center_cropCrops a square in the center of the image
image_histogramImage histograms
lines_cutget the right size to split the image into a given number of...
sample_imageGet the path of a sample image
samplessample tiles
scrap_animalsGet urls of animal pictures
shinycollageRun shiny app
tilesGenerates a tile base from a set of files
tiles_animalsTiles from animal pictures
tiles_monomonochromatic tiles
ThinkRstat/collage documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:25 a.m.