data_alpha: Data from an alpha lattice design

data_alphaR Documentation

Data from an alpha lattice design


Alpha lattice design of spring oats


A tibble with 72 observations on the following 5 variables.

  • PLOT Plot number

  • REP Replicate code

  • BLOCK Incomplete block code

  • GEN Genotype code

  • YIELD Observed dry matter yield (tonnes/ha)


A spring oats trial grown in Craibstone. There were 24 varieties in 3 replicates, each consisting of 6 incomplete blocks of 4 plots. Planted in a resolvable alpha design. The plots were laid out in a single line.


Tiago Olivoto


J. A. John & E. R. Williams (1995). Cyclic and computer generated designs, Chapman and Hall, London. Page 146.

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