
#  MIT License
#  Copyright (c) 2017-2021 TileDB Inc.
#  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
#  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
#  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
#  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
#  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
#  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
#  copies or substantial portions of the Software.

## #' An S4 class for a TileDB sparse array
## #'
## #' @slot ctx A TileDB context object
## #' @slot uri A character despription
## #' @slot as.data.frame A logical value
## #' @slot attrs A character vector
## #' @slot extended A logical value
## #' @slot ptr External pointer to the underlying implementation
## #' @section Planned Deprecation:
## #' We plan to deprecate the \code{tiledb_sparse} array type in a future release. While exact
## #' timelines have not been finalised, it is advised to the \code{tiledb_array} for both
## #' \emph{dense} and \emph{sparse} arrays going forward.
## # ' @exportClass tiledb_sparse
## setClass("tiledb_sparse",
##          slots = list(ctx = "tiledb_ctx",
##                       uri = "character",
##                       as.data.frame = "logical",
##                       attrs = "character",
##                       extended = "logical",
##                       ptr = "externalptr"))

## #' Constructs a tiledb_sparse object backed by a persisted tiledb array uri
## #'
## #' tiledb_sparse returns a list of coordinates and attributes vectors for reads
## #'
## #' @section Planned Deprecation:
## #' We plan to deprecate the \code{tiledb_sparse} array type in a future release. While exact
## #' timelines have not been finalised, it is advised to the \code{tiledb_array} for both
## #' \emph{dense} and \emph{sparse} arrays going forward.
## #' @param uri uri path to the tiledb dense array
## #' @param query_type optionally loads the array in "READ" or "WRITE" only modes.
## #' @param as.data.frame optional logical switch, defaults to "FALSE"
## #' @param attrs optional character vector to select attributes, default is
## #' empty implying all are selected
## #' @param extended optional logical switch selecting wide \sQuote{data.frame}
## #' format, defaults to "TRUE"
## #' @param ctx tiledb_ctx (optional)
## #' @return tiledb_sparse array object
## # ' @export
## tiledb_sparse <- function(uri,
##                           query_type = c("READ", "WRITE"),
##                           as.data.frame = FALSE,
##                           attrs = character(),
##                           extended = TRUE,
##                           ctx = tiledb_get_context()) {
##   query_type = match.arg(query_type)
##   stopifnot(`Argument 'ctx' must be a tiledb_ctx object` = is(ctx, "tiledb_ctx"),
##             `Argument 'uri' must be a string scalar` = !missing(uri) && is.scalar(uri, "character"))
##   .Deprecated("tiledb_array")
##   array_xptr <- libtiledb_array_open(ctx@ptr, uri, query_type)
##   schema_xptr <- libtiledb_array_get_schema(array_xptr)
##   if (!libtiledb_array_schema_sparse(schema_xptr)) {
##     libtiledb_array_close(array_xptr)
##     stop("array URI must be a sparse array")
##   }
##   array_xptr <- libtiledb_array_close(array_xptr)
##   new("tiledb_sparse", ctx = ctx, uri = uri,
##       as.data.frame = as.data.frame, attrs = attrs,
##       extended = extended, ptr = array_xptr)
## }

## #' Return a schema from a sparse array
## #'
## #' @param object sparse array object
## #' @param ... Extra parameter for function signature, currently unused
## #' @return The scheme for the object
## setMethod("schema", "tiledb_sparse", function(object, ...) {
##   ctx <- object@ctx
##   uri <- object@uri
##   schema_xptr <- libtiledb_array_schema_load(ctx@ptr, uri)
##   return(tiledb_array_schema.from_ptr(schema_xptr))
## })

## sparse_attribute_buffers <- function(array, sch, dom, sub, selected, ncells=1000) {
##   stopifnot(`The 'array' argument must be a tiledb_array` = .isArray(array),
##             `The 'dom' argument must be a tiledb_domain object` = is(dom, "tiledb_domain"),
##             `The 'sch' argument must be a tiledb_array_schema` = is(sch, "tiledb_array_schema"))
##   domaintype <- sapply(libtiledb_domain_get_dimensions(dom@ptr),
##                        libtiledb_dim_get_datatype)
##   attributes <- list()
##   # first alloc coordinate buffer
##   attributes[["coords"]] <- libtiledb_query_buffer_alloc_ptr(array@ptr, domaintype[1], ncells)
##   attrs <- tiledb::attrs(sch)
##   if (length(selected) == 0) {          # no selection given -> use all
##     selected <- names(attrs)
##   }
##   # for every attribute, compute the number of cells and allocate vectors
##   for (attr in attrs) {
##     aname <- tiledb::name(attr)
##     if (! aname %in% selected) {
##       next
##     }
##     dtype <- tiledb::datatype(attr)
##     type <- tiledb_datatype_R_type(dtype)
##     datatype <- libtiledb_attribute_get_type(attr@ptr)
##     if (dtype %in% c("CHAR")) {  # TODO: add other char and date types
##       buff <- libtiledb_query_buffer_var_char_alloc_direct(ncells, ncells*8, FALSE, sub[4]-sub[3]+1)
##     } else if (datatype %in% c("DATETIME_DAY", "DATETIME_SEC", "DATETIME_MS",
##                                "DATETIME_US", "DATETIME_NS")) {
##       buff <- libtiledb_query_buffer_alloc_ptr(array@ptr, datatype, ncells)
##     } else if (type %in% c("integer", "double")) {
##       buff <- vector(mode = type, length = ncells)
##     } else {
##       stop("Unsupported data type for attribute ", aname)
##     }
##     attr(buff, "datatype") <- datatype
##     attributes[[aname]] <- buff
##   }
##   return(attributes)
## }

## #' Construct a data.frame from query results
## #'
## #' Converts a tiledb object to a data.frame object
## #'
## #' @param dom tiledb_domain object
## #' @param data tiledb object to be converted
## #' @param extended optional logical variable selected wider display
## #' with coordinates, defaults to false
## #' @return data.frame object constructed from `data`
## # ' @export
## as_data_frame <- function(dom, data, extended=FALSE) {
##   stopifnot(`Argument 'dom' must be a tiledb_domain object` = is(dom, "tiledb_domain"))
##   # If coordinates are present convert to columns in the data.frame
##   if (!is.null(data[["coords"]])) {
##     if (extended) {
##       ndim <- tiledb_ndim(dom)
##       dimensions <- dimensions(dom)
##       for (i in seq(1, ndim, 1)) {
##         dim_name <- name(dimensions[[i]])
##         l <- list()
##         l[[dim_name]] = data$coords[seq(i, length(data$coords), ndim)]
##         data <- c(data, l)
##       }
##     }
##     data$coords <- NULL
##   }
##   return(as.data.frame(data))
## }

## #' Gets a sparse array value
## #'
## #' @param x sparse array object
## #' @param i parameter key string
## #' @param j parameter key string, currently unused.
## #' @param ... Extra parameter for method signature, currently unused.
## #' @param drop Optional logical switch to drop dimensions, default FALSE, currently unused.
## #' @return An element from the sparse array
## #' @aliases [,tiledb_sparse
## #' @aliases [,tiledb_sparse-method
## #' @aliases [,tiledb_sparse,ANY,tiledb_sparse-method
## #' @aliases [,tiledb_sparse,ANY,ANY,tiledb_sparse-method
## setMethod("[", "tiledb_sparse",
##           function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {
##             ## helper function to deal with i and/or j missing
##             index <- nd_index_from_syscall(sys.call(), parent.frame())
##             #print(str(index))
##             #print(object.size(index))
##             # If we have a list of lists of lists we need to remove one layer
##             # This happens when a user uses a list of coordinates
##             if (isNestedList(index[1])) {
##               index <- index[[1]]
##             }
##             ctx <- x@ctx
##             uri <- x@uri
##             sel <- x@attrs
##             schema <- tiledb::schema(x)
##             dom <- tiledb::domain(schema)

##             nd <- libtiledb_domain_get_ndim(dom@ptr)
##             #domaintype <- libtiledb_domain_get_type(dom@ptr)
##             domaintype <- sapply(libtiledb_domain_get_dimensions(dom@ptr),
##                                  libtiledb_dim_get_datatype)
##             #if (!tiledb::is.integral(dom)) {
##             #  stop("subscript indexing only valid for integral Domain's")
##             #}
##             libtiledb_array_open_with_ptr(x@ptr, "READ")
##             on.exit(libtiledb_array_close(x@ptr))

##             subarray <- domain_subarray(dom, index = index)
##             #print(subarray)
##             if (is.integral(dom)) {
##               subarray <- as.integer(subarray)
##             } else {
##               subarray <- as.double(subarray)
##             }
##             buffers <- sparse_attribute_buffers(x, schema, dom, subarray, sel)
##             qry <- libtiledb_query(ctx@ptr, x@ptr, "READ")
##             qry <- libtiledb_query_set_layout(qry, "COL_MAJOR")
##             #qry <- libtiledb_query_set_subarray(qry, subarray)
##             qry <- libtiledb_query_set_subarray_with_type(qry, subarray, domaintype[1])
##             attr_names <- names(buffers)
##             for (idx in seq_along(buffers)) {
##               aname <- attr_names[[idx]]
##               val <- buffers[[idx]]
##               if (aname == "coords") {
##                 qry <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer_ptr(qry, libtiledb_coords(), val)
##               } else {
##                 if (is(val, "externalptr")) {
##                   datatype <- attr(val, "datatype")
##                   if (datatype == "CHAR") {
##                     qry <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer_var_char(qry, aname, val)
##                   } else if (datatype %in% c("DATETIME_DAY", "DATETIME_SEC", "DATETIME_MS",
##                                              "DATETIME_US", "DATETIME_NS")) {
##                     qry <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer_ptr(qry, aname, val)
##                   } else {
##                     stop("Currently unsupported type: ", datatype)
##                   }
##                 } else {
##                   qry <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer(qry, aname, val)
##                 }
##               }
##             }
##             qry <- libtiledb_query_submit(qry)
##             if (libtiledb_query_status(qry) != "COMPLETE") {
##               stop("error in read query (not 'COMPLETE')")
##             }
##             # get the actual number of results, instead of realloc
##             # just modify the vector length so there is no additional copy
##             for (idx in seq_along(attr_names)) {
##               old_buffer <- buffers[[idx]]
##               aname <- attr_names[[idx]]

##               if (aname == "coords") {
##                 old_buffer <- libtiledb_query_get_buffer_ptr(buffers[[idx]])
##               } else if (is(old_buffer, "externalptr")) {
##                 ##attribute <- libtiledb_array_schema_get_attribute_from_name(schema@ptr, aname)
##                 ##attrtype <- libtiledb_attribute_get_type(attribute)
##                 dtype <- attr(buffers[[idx]], "datatype")
##                 if (dtype == "CHAR") {
##                   old_buffer <- libtiledb_query_get_buffer_var_char(buffers[[idx]])
##                 } else if (dtype %in% c("DATETIME_DAY", "DATETIME_SEC",
##                                         "DATETIME_MS", "DATETIME_US", "DATETIME_NS")) {
##                   old_buffer <- libtiledb_query_get_buffer_ptr(buffers[[idx]])
##                 } else {
##                   stop("Unsupported data type for attribute ", aname)
##                 }
##               }

##               if (aname == "coords") {
##                 ncells <- libtiledb_query_result_buffer_elements(qry, libtiledb_coords())
##               } else {
##                 ncells <- libtiledb_query_result_buffer_elements(qry, aname)
##               }
##               if (ncells <= length(old_buffer)) {
##                 buffers[[idx]] <- old_buffer[1:ncells]
##               } else {
##                 buffers[[idx]] <- old_buffer
##               }
##             }
##             if (x@as.data.frame) {
##               return(as_data_frame(dom, buffers, x@extended))
##             } else {
##               ## if there is only one buffer, don't return a list of attribute buffers
##               if (length(buffers) == 1L) {
##                 return(buffers[[1L]])
##               }
##               return(buffers)
##             }
## })

## #' Sets a sparse array value
## #'
## #' @param x sparse array object
## #' @param i parameter key string
## #' @param j parameter key string, currently unused.
## #' @param ... Extra parameter for method signature, currently unused.
## #' @param value The value being assigned
## #' @return The modified object
## #' @aliases [<-,tiledb_sparse
## #' @aliases [<-,tiledb_sparse-method
## #' @aliases [<-,tiledb_sparse,ANY,tiledb_sparse-method
## #' @aliases [<-,tiledb_sparse,ANY,ANY,tiledb_sparse-method
## setMethod("[<-", "tiledb_sparse",
##           function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
##             if (!is.list(value)) {
##               if (is.array(value) || is.vector(value) ||
##                   isS4(value) || is(value, "Date") || inherits(value, "POSIXt")) {
##                 value <- list(value)
##               } else {
##                 stop("Cannot assign value of type '", typeof(value), "'", call.=FALSE)
##               }
##             }
##             index <- nd_index_from_syscall(sys.call(), parent.frame())
##             # If we have a list of lists of lists we need to remove one layer
##             # This happens when a user uses a list of coordinates
##             if (isNestedList(index[1])) {
##               index <- index[[1]]
##             }
##             ctx <- x@ctx
##             schema <- tiledb::schema(x)
##             uri <- x@uri
##             dom <- tiledb::domain(schema)
##             attrs <- tiledb::attrs(schema)

##             # check that all the indexing and value buffers are the same length
##             coord_length <- length(index[[1]])
##             for (i in seq_along(index)) {
##               if (length(index[[i]]) != coord_length) {
##                 stop("invalid sparse coordinates, all coordinates must be the same length")
##               }
##             }

##             # check that attributes are correct
##             nvalue <- length(value)
##             nattrs <- length(attrs)
##             if (nvalue > nattrs) {
##               stop("number of values to assign does not match the number of array attributes")
##             }
##             attr_names <- names(attrs)
##             value_names <- names(value)
##             if (is.null(value_names)) {
##               # check the list shape / types against attributes
##               if (nvalue != nattrs) {
##                 stop(paste("invalid number of attribute values (", nvalue, " != ", nattrs, ")"))
##               }
##               names(value) <- ifelse(attr_names == "", "__attr", attr_names)
##             } else {
##               # check associative assignment
##               for (name in value_names)  {
##                 if (!(name %in%  attr_names)) {
##                   stop(paste("invalid array attribute value name: \"", name, "\""))
##                 }
##               }
##             }
##             # do type conversion based on the domain
##             integral_domain <- is.integral(dom)
##             coords <- list()
##             for (i in seq_along(index)) {
##               coord <- index[[i]]
##               if (integral_domain) {
##                 if (!is.integer(coord)) {
##                   coords[[i]] <- as.integer(coord)
##                 } else {
##                   coords[[i]] <- coord
##                 }
##               } else {
##                 if (!is.numeric(coord)) {
##                   coords[[i]] = as.numeric(coord)
##                 } else {
##                   coords[[i]] = coord
##                 }
##               }
##             }
##             # check that we have the right number of index buffers
##             if (length(coords) != tiledb_ndim(dom)) {
##               stop(paste("number of coordinate vectors does not match the array domain"))
##             }
##             # zip the coordinates into a single buffer for sparse write
##             if (integral_domain) {
##               zip_coords <- libtiledb_zip_coords_integer(coords, coord_length)
##             } else {
##               zip_coords <- libtiledb_zip_coords_numeric(coords, coord_length)
##             }
##             libtiledb_array_open_with_ptr(x@ptr, "WRITE")
##             on.exit(libtiledb_array_close(x@ptr))
##             qry <- libtiledb_query(ctx@ptr, x@ptr, "WRITE")
##             qry <- libtiledb_query_set_layout(qry, "UNORDERED")
##             domaintype <- sapply(libtiledb_domain_get_dimensions(dom@ptr),
##                                  libtiledb_dim_get_datatype)
##             #cat("Zipped coords\n"); print(zip_coords)
##             qry <- libtiledb_query_set_coordinates(qry, zip_coords, domaintype[1])
##             ## set attribute buffers
##             attr_names <- names(value)
##             ## we need to hold on to the allocated buffers til the query fires
##             buflst <- vector(mode="list", length=length(attr_names))
##             for (idx in seq_along(value)) {
##               aname <- attr_names[[idx]]
##               val <- value[[idx]]
##               attribute <- libtiledb_array_schema_get_attribute_from_name(schema@ptr, aname)
##               attrtype <- libtiledb_attribute_get_type(attribute)

##               if (inherits(val, "POSIXt") || inherits(val, "nanotime")) {
##                 buflst[[idx]] <- libtiledb_query_buffer_alloc_ptr(x@ptr, attrtype, length(val))
##                 buflst[[idx]] <- libtiledb_query_buffer_assign_ptr(buflst[[idx]], attrtype, val)
##                 qry <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer_ptr(qry, aname, buflst[[idx]])
##               } else if (inherits(val, "Date")) {
##                 buflst[[idx]] <- libtiledb_query_buffer_alloc_ptr(x@ptr, "DATETIME_DAY", length(val))
##                 buflst[[idx]] <- libtiledb_query_buffer_assign_ptr(buflst[[idx]], "DATETIME_DAY", val)
##                 qry <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer_ptr(qry, aname, buflst[[idx]])
##               } else if (inherits(val, "character")) {
##                 n <- ifelse(is.vector(val), length(val), prod(dim(val)))
##                 string <- paste(val[1:n], collapse="")
##                 ## offsets starts: cumulative sum of all word lengths as provided by nchar
##                 ## but starting at 0 and then omitting the last
##                 offs <- cumsum(c(0, head(sapply(val[1:n], nchar, USE.NAMES=FALSE), -1)))
##                 buflst[[idx]] <- libtiledb_query_buffer_var_char_create(offs, string)
##                 qry <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer_var_char(qry, aname, buflst[[idx]])
##               } else {
##                 #qry <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer(qry, aname, val)
##                 buflst[[idx]] <- libtiledb_query_buffer_alloc_ptr(x@ptr, attrtype, length(val))
##                 buflst[[idx]] <- libtiledb_query_buffer_assign_ptr(buflst[[idx]], attrtype, val)
##                 qry <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer_ptr(qry, aname, buflst[[idx]])
##               }
##             }
##             qry <- libtiledb_query_submit(qry)
##             if (libtiledb_query_status(qry) != "COMPLETE") {
##               stop("error in incomplete sparse write query")
##             }
##             qry <- libtiledb_query_finalize(qry)
##             return(x)
##           })

## #' Prints a tiledb_sparse array object
## #'
## #' @param object A tiledb_sparse array object
## #' @export
## setMethod("show",
##           signature = "tiledb_sparse",
##           definition = function (object) {
##   cat("tiledb_sparse array\n"
##      ,"  uri           = '", object@uri, "'\n"
##      ,"  as.data.frame = ", if (object@as.data.frame) "TRUE" else "FALSE", "\n"
##      ,"  attrs         = ", if (length(object@attrs) == 0) "(none)"
##                             else paste(object@attrs, collapse=","), "\n"
##      ,"  extended      = ", if (object@extended) "TRUE" else "FALSE", "\n"
##     , sep="")

##   })

## #' Check if object is sparse
## #'
## #' @param object TileDB object
## #' @return A logical value indicating whether the object is sparse
## #' @export
## setMethod("is.sparse", "tiledb_sparse", function(object) TRUE)

## #' Query a array using a subarray vector
## #'
## #' tiledb_subarray returns a results of query
## #'
## #' @param A tiledb_sparse or tiledb_dense
## #' @param subarray_vector subarray to query
## #' @param attrs list of attributes to query
## #' @return list of attributes being returned with query results
## # ' @export
## tiledb_subarray <- function(A, subarray_vector, attrs=c()) {
##   stopifnot(`First argument must be a tiledb_dense or tiledb_sparse object` = is(A, "tiledb_sparse") || is(A, "tiledb_dense"))
##   ctx <- A@ctx
##   uri <- A@uri
##   schema <- tiledb::schema(A)
##   dom <- tiledb::domain(schema)
##   if (!tiledb::is.integral(dom)) {
##     stop("subscript indexing only valid for integral Domain's")
##   }
##   libtiledb_array_open_with_ptr(A@ptr, "READ")
##   out <- tryCatch(
##     {
##       if (is.integral(dom)) {
##         subarray_vector <- as.integer(subarray_vector)
##       } else {
##         subarray_vector <- as.double(subarray_vector)
##       }
##       if (is.sparse(A)) {
##         buffers <- sparse_attribute_buffers(A, schema, dom, subarray_vector, attrs)
##       } else {
##         buffers <- attribute_buffers(A, schema, dom, subarray_vector, attrs)
##       }
##       qry <- libtiledb_query(ctx@ptr, A@ptr, "READ")
##       qry <- libtiledb_query_set_layout(qry, "COL_MAJOR")
##       qry <- libtiledb_query_set_subarray(qry, subarray_vector)
##       attr_names <- names(buffers)
##       for (idx in seq_along(buffers)) {
##         aname <- attr_names[[idx]]
##         if (aname == "coords") {
##           if (is(buffers[[idx]], "externalptr")) {
##             qry <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer_ptr(qry, libtiledb_coords(), buffers[[idx]])
##           } else {
##             qry <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer(qry, libtiledb_coords(), buffers[[idx]])
##           }
##         } else if (is(buffers[[idx]], "externalptr")) {
##           qry <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer_ptr(qry, aname, buffers[[idx]])
##         } else {
##           qry <- libtiledb_query_set_buffer(qry, aname, buffers[[idx]])
##         }
##       }
##       qry <- libtiledb_query_submit(qry)
##       if (libtiledb_query_status(qry) != "COMPLETE") {
##         stop("error in read query (not 'COMPLETE')")
##       }
##       # get the actual number of results, instead of realloc
##       # just modify the vector length so there is no additional copy
##       for (idx in seq_along(attr_names)) {
##         if (is(buffers[[idx]], "externalptr")) {
##           old_buffer <- libtiledb_query_get_buffer_ptr(buffers[[idx]]) #, TRUE, FALSE)
##         } else {
##           old_buffer <- buffers[[idx]]
##         }
##         aname <- attr_names[[idx]]
##         if (aname == "coords") {
##           ncells <- libtiledb_query_result_buffer_elements(qry, libtiledb_coords())
##         } else {
##           ncells <- libtiledb_query_result_buffer_elements(qry, aname)
##         }
##         if (ncells < length(old_buffer)) {
##           buffers[[idx]] <- old_buffer[1:ncells]
##         } else {
##           buffers[[idx]] <- old_buffer
##         }
##       }
##       for (i in 1:length(buffers)) {
##         attr(buffers[[i]], "datatype") <- NULL
##       }
##       if (A@as.data.frame) {
##         return(as_data_frame(dom, buffers))
##       } else {
##         # if there is only one buffer, don't return a list of attribute buffers
##         if (length(buffers) == 1L) {
##           return(buffers[[1L]])
##         }
##         return(buffers)
##       }
##     },
##     finally = {
##       libtiledb_array_close(A@ptr)
##     }
##   )
##   return(out);
## }

## ## -- as.data.frame accessor (generic in DenseArray.R)

## #' Retrieve data.frame return toggle
## #'
## #' A \code{tiledb_sparse} object can be returned as an array (or list of arrays),
## #' or, if select, as a \code{data.frame}. This methods returns the selection value.
## #' @param object A \code{tiledb_sparse} array object
## #' @return A logical value indicating whether \code{data.frame} return is selected
## #' @export
## setMethod("return.data.frame",
##           signature = "tiledb_sparse",
##           function(object) object@as.data.frame)

## ## -- as.data.frame setter (generic in DenseArray.R)

## #' Set data.frame return toggle
## #'
## #' A \code{tiledb_sparse} object can be returned as an array (or list of arrays),
## #' or, if select, as a \code{data.frame}. This methods sets the selection value.
## #' @param x A \code{tiledb_sparse} array object
## #' @param value A logical value with the selection
## #' @return The modified \code{tiledb_sparse} array object
## #' @export
## setReplaceMethod("return.data.frame",
##                  signature = "tiledb_sparse",
##                  function(x, value) {
##   x@as.data.frame <- value
##   validObject(x)
##   x
## })

## ## -- attrs (generic in Attributes.R and DenseArray.R)

## #' Retrieve attributes from \code{tiledb_sparse} object
## #'
## #' By default, all attributes will be selected. But if a subset of attribute
## #' names is assigned to the internal slot \code{attrs}, then only those attributes
## #' will be queried.  This methods accesses the slot.
## #' @param object A \code{tiledb_sparse} array object
## #' @return An empty character vector if no attributes have been selected or else
## #' a vector with attributes.
## #' @importFrom methods validObject
## #' @export
## setMethod("attrs",
##           signature = "tiledb_sparse",
##           function(object) object@attrs)

## #' Selects attributes for the given TileDB array
## #'
## #' @param x A \code{tiledb_sparse} array object
## #' @param value A character vector with attributes
## #' @return The modified \code{tiledb_sparse} array object
## #' @export
## setReplaceMethod("attrs",
##                  signature = "tiledb_sparse",
##                  function(x, value) {
##   nm <- names(attrs(schema(x)))
##   if (length(nm) == 0) {                # none set so far
##     x@attrs <- value
##   } else {
##     pm <- pmatch(value, nm)
##     if (any(is.na(pm))) {
##       stop("Multiple partial matches ambiguous: ",
##            paste(value[which(is.na(pm))], collapse=","), call.=FALSE)
##     }
##     x@attrs <- nm[pm]
##   }
##   validObject(x)
##   x
## })
TileDB-Inc/TileDB-R documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 8:14 a.m.