Man pages for TimToebrock/Project_Apriori
Implementation of the Apriori Algorithm

AssociationRulesCalculate Association rules with minimal support and...
calcsupportFIMatrixCalculate support if missing.
colSums-FIMatrixReturn the colSums for the underlying matrix within an...
colSums-RulesReturn the sum of each column for the for either the rhs or...
colSums-TAMatrixReturn the sum of each column for the underlying matrix...
CombineFIMatrixCombining list of FIMatrices containing frequent itemsets...
CombineRulesCombining list of Rules
confidenceExtract confidence from object
confidence-RulesExtract confidence of all rules within a Rules object.
DetRules_1Determine all possible association rules with consequent...
DetRules_KDetermine all possible association rules with consequent...
DetSupportDetermine the support of a matrix of candidate set within the...
DuplicateFind duplicate columns in a sparse matrix
EpubDownload history of documents from the electronic publication...
extractExtract FIMatrix object from class
extract-RulesExtract the FIMatrix from a rules object
ExtractRulesExtract Rules
FIMatrix-classS4 class to represent frequent itemsets in a sparse Matrix
FindFrequentItemsetsCalculate frequent itemset with minimal support
GenCandidatesGenerate Candidate of length k + 1 based on frequent itemsets...
GiveUniqueColReturn the unique columns of sparse matrix.
GroceriesOne month of real-world point-of-sale transaction data from a...
hist-FIMatrixPlot a Histogram of itemset lengths for a FIMatrix object
items-FIMatrixExport the item names for a FIMatrix
items-RulesExport the item names for a Rules object
items-TAMatrixExport the item names for a TAMatrix
length-FIMatrixDetermine the number of items in a FIMatrix
length-RulesDetermine the number of rules in a Rules object
length-TAMatrixDetermine the number of items in a TAMatrix
leverageExtract leverage from object
leverage-RulesExtract leverage of all rules within a Rules object
liftExtract lift from object
lift-RulesExtract lift of all rules within a Rules object.
makeFIMatrixTake different input and make them a FIMatrix to create a FIMatrix from an data.frame
makeFIMatrix.FIMatrixFunction to create a FIMatrix from an FIMatrix
makeFIMatrix.itemsetsFunction to create a FIMatrix from an itemsets
makeFIMatrix.lgCMatrixFunction to create a FIMatrix from an lgCMatrix
makeFIMatrix.lgTMatrixFunction to create a FIMatrix from an lgTMatrix
makeFIMatrix.matrixFunction to create a FIMatrix from an matrix
makeFIMatrix.ngCMatrixFunction to create a FIMatrix from an ngCMatrix
makeFIMatrix.ngTMatrixFunction to create a FIMatrix from an ngTMatrix
makeFIMatrix-transactionsFunction to create a FIMatrix from an transactions
makeTAMatrixTake different inputs and make them a TAMatrix. to create a TAMatrix from an object of class...
makeTAMatrix.defaultDefault method for not implemented classes
makeTAMatrix.lgCMatrixFunction to create a TAMatrix from an object of class...
makeTAMatrix.lgTMatrixFunction to create a TAMatrix from an object of class...
makeTAMatrix.matrixFunction to create a TAMatrix from an object of class matrix
makeTAMatrix.ngCMatrixFunction to create a TAMatrix from an object of class...
makeTAMatrix.ngTMatrixFunction to create a TAMatrix from an object of class...
makeTAMatrix.TAMatrixFunction to create a TAMatrix from an TAMatrix
makeTAMatrix.transactionsFunction to create a TAMatrix from an object of class...
ncol-FIMatrixReturn the number of columns of the underlying matrix in an...
ncol-RulesReturn the number of columns of underlying matrix in an Rules...
ncol-TAMatrixReturn the number of columns of underlying matrix in an...
nrow-FIMatrixReturn the number of rows of the underlying matrix in an...
nrow-RulesReturn the number of rows of underlying matrix in an Rules...
nrow-TAMatrixReturn the number of rows of underlying matrix in an...
outputFIMatrixFunction to create a FIMatrix from an ngTMatrix as well as...
outputTAMatrixFunction to create a TAMatrix from an ngTMatrix.
plot-FIMatrixPlot FIMatrix objects
plot-RulesPlot a Rules object
plot-TAMatrixPlot TAMatrix objects
print-FIMatrixDefinition of show method for FIMatrix
print-RulesDefinition of show method for Rules
print-TAMatrixDefinition of print method for TAMatrix
prunePruning objects by quality measure(s)
prune-FIMatrixPrune method for objects of class FIMatrix
prune-RulesPrune method for objects of class Rules
qplot-FIMatrixPlot FIMatrix objects with ggplot2
qplot-RulesPlot a Rules object wiht ggplot2
qplot-TAMatrixPlot an TAMatrix object with ggplot2
rowSums-FIMatrixReturn the row Sums for the underlying matrix within an...
rowSums-RulesReturn the sum of each row for the for either the rhs or lhs...
rowSums-TAMatrixReturn the row Sums for the underlying matrix within an...
Rules-classS4 class to store association rules and relevant quality...
selectSubsetting of TAMatrix, FIMatrix and Rules class.
select-FIMatrixSubsetting of an FIMatrix
select-RulesSubsetting of a Rules object.
select-TAMatrixSubsetting of an TAMatrix
show-FIMatrixDefinition of show method for FIMatrix
show-RulesDefinition of show method for Rules
show-TAMatrixDefinition of show method for TAMatrix
summary-FIMatrixSummary for FI-matrices.
summary-RulesSummary funtion for Rules object
summary-TAMatrixSummary for TAMatrix objects
support-FIMatrixExtract the support of itemsets in class FIMatrix
support-RulesExtract the support of itemsets in class Rules
TAMatrix-classS4 class to represent transactions in a sparse Matrix
TimToebrock/Project_Apriori documentation built on Oct. 16, 2020, 9:22 p.m.