
Defines functions plotZ9

Documented in plotZ9

#' Plot Z9 sites on a leaflet
#' The function transforms the site ID (that consits of 6 digits) to a tibble of
#' class sf them on a leaflet.
#' @param coordID Vector with site coordinates
#' @param ortho Whether orthofotos should be used as background image.
#' @return A leaflet with ploted Z9 sites.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plotZ9(645260)
plotZ9 <- function(coordID,  ortho = TRUE) {
  if(ortho) tilprov <- "Esri.WorldImagery"
  if(!ortho) tilprov <- "OpenStreetMap.CH"
  q <- st_buffer(coordID2coord(coordID, Z7 = FALSE), dist = sqrt(10 / pi)) %>% 
    st_transform(crs = 4326)
  map <- leaflet() %>% 
    addProviderTiles(tilprov) %>% 
    addPolygons(data = q, color = "red", weight = 3, opacity = 1, fillColor = "red", label = as.character(coordID))
TobiasRoth/BDM documentation built on June 12, 2024, 7:16 a.m.