knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
# crayon needs to be explicitly activated in Rmd
options(crayon.enabled = TRUE)
# Hooks needs to be set to deal with outputs
# thanks to fansi logic
old_hooks <- fansi::set_knit_hooks(knitr::knit_hooks, 
                                   which = c("output", "message", "error"))

This document provides details on methods used to create the database of BOM JSON files for stations and corresponding metadata, e.g., latitude, longitude (which are more detailed than what is in the JSON file), start, end, elevation, etc.

Refer to these BOM pages for more reference:

Product code definitions


Product code numbers

Get station metadata

The station metadata are downloaded from a zip file linked from the "Bureau of Meteorology Site Numbers" website. The zip file may be directly downloaded, file of site details.


# This file is a pseudo-fixed width file. Line five contains the headers at
# fixed widths which are coded in the read_table() call.
# The last seven lines contain other information that we don't want.
# For some reason, reading it directly from the BOM website does not work, so
# we use curl to fetch it first and then import it from the R tempdir()

  url = "",
  destfile = file.path(tempdir(), ""),
  mode = "wb",
  quiet = TRUE)

bom_stations_raw <-
    file.path(tempdir(), ""),
    skip = 4,
    na = c("..", ".....", " "),
    col_names = c(
    col_types = c(
      site = readr::col_character(),
      dist = readr::col_character(),
      name = readr::col_character(),
      start = readr::col_integer(),
      end = readr::col_integer(),
      lat = readr::col_double(),
      lon = readr::col_double(),
      NULL1 = readr::col_character(),
      state = readr::col_character(),
      elev = readr::col_double(),
      bar_ht = readr::col_double(),
      wmo = readr::col_integer()

# remove extra columns for source of location
bom_stations_raw <- bom_stations_raw[, -8]

# trim the end of the rows off that have extra info that's not in columns
nrows <- nrow(bom_stations_raw) - 3
bom_stations_raw <- bom_stations_raw[1:nrows, ]

# add current year to stations that are still active
bom_stations_raw["end"][["end"])] <- 
    as.double(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))

# keep only currently reporting stations
bom_stations_raw <- 
  bom_stations_raw[bom_stations_raw$end == format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"), ] %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(start = as.integer(start),
                end = as.integer(end))

Check station locations

Occasionally the stations are listed in the wrong location, e.g., Alice Springs Airport in SA. Perform quality check to ensure that the station locations are accurate based on the lat/lon values.

`%notin%`  <- function(x, table) {
  # Same as !(x %in% table)
  match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) == 0L

latlon2state <- function(lat, lon) {
                        to = "STE",
                        yr = "2016",
                        return = "v")

bom_stations_raw %>%
  .[lon > -50, state_from_latlon := latlon2state(lat, lon)] %>%
  .[state_from_latlon == "New South Wales", actual_state := "NSW"] %>%
  .[state_from_latlon == "Victoria", actual_state := "VIC"] %>%
  .[state_from_latlon == "Queensland", actual_state := "QLD"] %>%
  .[state_from_latlon == "South Australia", actual_state := "SA"] %>%
  .[state_from_latlon == "Western Australia", actual_state := "WA"] %>%
  .[state_from_latlon == "Tasmania", actual_state := "TAS"] %>%
  .[state_from_latlon == "Australian Capital Territory",
    actual_state := "ACT"] %>%
  .[state_from_latlon == "Northern Territory", actual_state := "NT"] %>%
  .[actual_state != state & state %notin% c("ANT", "ISL"),
    state := actual_state] %>%
  .[, actual_state := NULL]


Create state codes

Use the state values extracted from ASGS.foyer to set state codes from BOM rather than the sometimes incorrect state column from BOM.

BOM state codes are as follows:

bom_stations_raw$state_code <- NA
bom_stations_raw$state_code[bom_stations_raw$state == "WA"] <- "W"
bom_stations_raw$state_code[bom_stations_raw$state == "QLD"] <- "Q"
bom_stations_raw$state_code[bom_stations_raw$state == "VIC"] <- "V"
bom_stations_raw$state_code[bom_stations_raw$state == "NT"] <- "D"
bom_stations_raw$state_code[bom_stations_raw$state == "TAS" |
                              bom_stations_raw$state == "ANT"] <-
bom_stations_raw$state_code[bom_stations_raw$state == "NSW"] <- "N"
bom_stations_raw$state_code[bom_stations_raw$state == "SA"] <- "S"

Generate station URLs

stations_site_list <-
  bom_stations_raw %>%
  dplyr::select(site:wmo, state, state_code) %>%
  tidyr::drop_na(wmo) %>%
    url = dplyr::case_when(
      .$state == "NSW" |
        .$state == "NT" |
        .$state == "QLD" |
        .$state == "SA" |
        .$state == "TAS" |
        .$state == "VIC" |
        .$state == "WA" ~
      .$state == "ACT" ~
      .$state == "ANT" ~

Save data

Now that we have the data frame of stations and have generated the URLs for the JSON files for stations providing weather data feeds, save the data as databases for bomrang to use.

There are weather stations that do have a WMO but don't report online, e.g., KIRIBATI NTC AWS or MARSHALL ISLANDS NTC AWS. In this section remove these from the list and then create a database to provide URLs for valid JSON files providing weather data from BOM.

Save URL database for get_current_weather() and get_historical_weather()

new_JSONurl_site_list <-
  stations_site_list %>%
  dplyr::rowwise() %>%
  dplyr::mutate(url = dplyr::if_else(httr::http_error(url), NA_character_, url))

# Remove new NA values from invalid URLs and convert to data.table
new_JSONurl_site_list <-
  data.table::data.table(stations_site_list[!$url), ])

Show Changes from Last Release

To ensure that the data being compared is from the most recent release, reinstall bomrang from CRAN.

install.packages("bomrang", repos = "")

load(system.file("extdata", "JSONurl_site_list.rda", package = "bomrang"))

  JSONurl_site_list_changes <-
    diffobj::diffPrint(new_JSONurl_site_list, JSONurl_site_list)

Save JSONurl_site_list

if (!dir.exists("../inst/extdata")) {
  dir.create("../inst/extdata", recursive = TRUE)

JSONurl_site_list <- new_JSONurl_site_list

# Save database
     file = "../inst/extdata/JSONurl_site_list.rda",
     compress = "bzip2")

     file = "../inst/extdata/JSONurl_site_list_changes.rda",
     compress = "bzip2")

Station location database for get_ag_bulletin()

First, rename columns and drop a few that aren't necessary for the ag bulletin information. Filter for only stations currently reporting values. Then pad the site field with 0 to match the data in the XML file that holds the ag bulletin information. Lastly, create the databases for use in bomrang.

new_stations_site_list <-
  stations_site_list %>%
  dplyr::select(-state_code, -url) %>% 
  dplyr::filter(end == lubridate::year(Sys.Date())) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(end = as.integer(end))

new_stations_site_list$site <-
  gsub("^0{1,2}", "", new_stations_site_list$site)

data.table::setkey(new_stations_site_list, "site")

Changes in stations_site_list

load(system.file("extdata", "stations_site_list.rda", package = "bomrang"))

  stations_site_list_changes <-
    diffobj::diffPrint(new_stations_site_list, stations_site_list)

Save stations_site_list Data and Changes

if (!dir.exists("../inst/extdata")) {
  dir.create("../inst/extdata", recursive = TRUE)

stations_site_list <- new_stations_site_list

     file = "../inst/extdata/stations_site_list.rda",
     compress = "bzip2")

     file = "../inst/extdata/stations_site_list_changes.rda",
     compress = "bzip2")

Session Info


ToowoombaTrio/bomrang documentation built on May 14, 2024, 11:07 a.m.