Man pages for Torvaney/regista
Soccer Analytics

augment.dixoncolesAugment data with information from a Dixon-Coles model
discount_exponentialTime discounting
dixoncolesDixon-Coles model for estimating team strengths
dixoncoles_extA generic Dixon-Coles model for estimating team strengths
dot-dc_modeldataGet model data for a Dixon-Coles model
dot-dc_negloglikeDixon-Coles negative log likelihood
dot-dc_objective_functionDixon-Coles objective function
dot-dc_predict_scorelinesCalculate the probability of scorelines occuring for a given...
dot-dc_predict_scorelines_onceCalculate the probability of scorelines occuring for a given...
dot-dc_rate_infoGet estimated rates for home and away goals
dot-factor_columnCoerce a single column to a factor
dot-fill_if_missingAdd column to a matrix, if it doesn't exist
dot-make_dummiesGet a matrix of dummy variables from a factor
dot-normalise_off_paramsNormalise attack parameters to make the model identifable...
dot-quo_termsQuote terms of a formula
dot-tauFunction controlling dependence between home and away goals
dot-term_matrixGet a model matrix from an expression
factor_teamsCoerce teamnames into factors
offHelper functions to enable easier model specification
predict.dixoncolesPredict method for Dixon-Coles model fits
premier_league_2010Results for the 2010/11 English Premier League season
scorelines_to_outcomesAggregate scoreline probabilities to 1X2 probabilities
tidy.dixoncolesTidy a Dixon-Coles model
Torvaney/regista documentation built on June 7, 2021, 12:21 a.m.