
Quantum annealing for traveling salesman problem

Quantum annealing for traveling salesman problem executed in R language. It can be operated on the browser.

Launch web application

You can install from R console. Install related packages with the following command.


If shiny is installed, it can be started from R console with the following command.

shiny::runGitHub("qatsp", "ToshihiroIguchi", subdir = "shiny/")


Host the Shiny application from GitHub in a private network. Enter the following command in R console.

#Port specification
port <- 1573

#Acquire private address information
ipconfig.dat <- system("ipconfig", intern = TRUE)
ipv4.dat <- ipconfig.dat[grep("IPv4", ipconfig.dat)][1]
ip <- gsub(".*? ([[:digit:]])", "\\1", ipv4.dat)

#Host the Shiny application from GitHub
shiny::runGitHub("qatsp", "ToshihiroIguchi", subdir = "shiny/", launch.browser = FALSE, port = port, host = ip)

If you are in the private network, you can also launch the Shiny application by entering the URL following Listing on to the browser.

ToshihiroIguchi/qatsp documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:42 p.m.