createPlots: Create Plots

View source: R/plots.R

createPlotsR Documentation

Create Plots


Create a set of plots from a list of Accessions (ordered by plot) and basic layout properties. The plots will start in the top left corner and move across rows and down columns. Blocks will increment in the same order as plots. If 'zig_zag' is set to TRUE then rows will alternate the direction of plot numbers.


  trial_name = NULL,
  accessions = NULL,
  max_cols = NULL,
  max_cols_per_block = NULL,
  max_rows_per_block = NULL,
  rep_equals_block = TRUE,
  max_plots_per_rep = NULL,
  zig_zag = FALSE,
  controls = c()



The trial name or Trial to be used for plot names (TRIAL_PLOT#)


List of Accessions or Accession names in plot order (moving across rows)


(optional, default = no max) The maximum number of columns (plots) in a row


(optional, default = no max) The maximum number of columns in a block


(optional, default = no max) The maximum number of rows in a block


(optional, default = TRUE) When set, the rep number will be set as the block number


(optional, default = no max) When set, 'rep_equals_block' is FALSE and the rep number will increment after each set of max plots


(optional, default = FALSE) When TRUE, rows will alternate direction (left to right, right to left, etc)


(optional, default = none) A vector of plot numbers or accession names that will be used as controls


vector of Plots

See Also

Other Trial: Plot, Plot-class, PlotData, PlotData-class, Trial, Trial-class, buildPlotDataTemplate(), buildPlotTemplate(), buildTrialTemplate(), getTrialDesignTypes(), getTrialTypes(), printPlots(), setTrialPlots(), writePlotDataTemplate(), writePlotTemplate(), writeTrialTemplate()


# When given a list of 18 accessions (ACC_A -> ACC_R), a max_cols of `6` 
# and a max_cols_per_block of `3`, the following plots will be generated:
#         COL 1   COL 2   COL 3   COL 4   COL 5   COL 6
# ROW 1   #1      #2      #3      #4      #5      #6
#         ACC_A   ACC_B   ACC_C   ACC_D   ACC_E   ACC_F
#         BLK 1   BLK 1   BLK 1   BLK 2   BLK 2   BLK 2
# ROW 2   #7      #8      #9      #10     #11     #12
#         ACC_G   ACC_H   ACC_I   ACC_J   ACC_K   ACC_L
#         BLK 1   BLK 1   BLK 1   BLK 2   BLK 2   BLK 2
# ROW 3   #13     #14     #15     #16     #17     #18
#         ACC_M   ACC_N   ACC_O   ACC_P   ACC_Q   ACC_R
#         BLK 1   BLK 1   BLK 1   BLK 2   BLK 2   BLK 2
accessions <- lapply(LETTERS[c(1:18)], function(x) {Accession(paste0("ACC_", x), "Saccharina latissima")})
plots <- createPlots("TEST_TRIAL", accessions, max_cols = 6, max_cols_per_block = 3)

TriticeaeToolbox/breedbase.R documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 7:15 a.m.