
#' fetch dataset records
#' This method is used to retrieve records for a specific dataset. If the number of rows to return
#' is higher than the maximum allowed by the \code{search} API (see the constants section in \code{\link{fodr}}),
#' the \code{download} API is used.
#' \code{refine} and \code{exclude}, if set, must be named lists where the names are the
#' facets to use and the values of the list, the values to pick or exclude. For example,
#' if a dataset has the \code{type_dossier} facet and you want to keep only the \code{DP}
#' types, you should set \code{refine = list(type_dossier = "DP")}.
#' \code{sort} takes a character in the \code{sortables} element of the dataset and sorts
#' the results according to its value. Add a \code{-} in front in order to sort in descending
#' order (e.g. \code{sort = "-commune"}).
#' \code{q} is used to perform a full text-search in all elements of the dataset. To search for all
#' records containing the word "Paris", use \code{q = "Paris"}. See
#' \href{https://docs.opendatasoft.com/en/api/query_language_and_geo_filtering.html#query-language}{here} for more information.
#' \code{lang} can be set to use language-specific functions on the elements passed to the \code{q}
#' parameter but is not implemented yet.
#' \code{geofilter.distance} can be used to retrieve only the records that are within the
#' specified distance from the specified point, if applicable.
#' \code{geofilter.polygon} can be used to retrieve only the records that are within the
#' specified polygon, if applicable.
#' @param nrows an integer, indicates the number of records to fetch (defaults to 10)
#' @param refine a named list
#' @param exclude a named list
#' @param sort a character
#' @param q a character, used to do full-text search
#' @param lang a character, the language used in the \code{q} parameter
#' @param geofilter.distance a numeric vector of three elements in the \code{(latitude, longitude, distance (in meters))}
#' format (e.g. \code{c(48.57, 2.24, 500)})
#' @param geofilter.polygon a data.frame with two columns named \code{lat} and \code{lon}
#' @param debug a logical, if TRUE, prints the url sent to the portal
#' @param quiet a logical, if FALSE, information will be printed when using the \code{download} API
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' votes <- fodr_dataset("paris", "resultats-des-votes-budget-participatif-2016")
#' votes$get_records()
#' }
#' @name get_records
Tutuchan/fodr documentation built on May 9, 2019, 5:16 p.m.