
BeautyPy is an open source project, and we welcome contributions of all kind. By participating in this project, you agree to comply with this Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.

How to Contribute

In this project, we are using Github to manage our workflow. To contribute to this project:

  1. Fork and clone this repository:

    git clone<YOUR_USERNAME>/BeautyPy.git

  2. Set up your machine and make sure the tests pass:

    ``` ./bin/setup

    rake ```

  3. Commit your changes to your personal repository:

    ``` git add

    git commit -m

    git push ```

  4. Submit a pull request for your changes from your personal branch to the master repository.

    At this point you are waiting on us. We strongly encourage you review for the changes and write clear discription of the changes before submit the request.Contributing document derived from Thoughtbot.

Contributing document derived from Thoughtbot.

UBC-MDS/BeautyR documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:02 p.m.