Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

This policy is subject to refinement and expansion in the future.

This Code of Conduct outlines our expectations as contributers and maintainers of this project. Our goal is to make explicit what we expect from the contributers in this project. Having a Code of Conduct is our way to encourage good behavior in our project.

We explicitly forbid harassment and abusive speech within this community. We urge participants to refrain from using the community discussion forums to play out a fight. Harassment, verbal abuse, and fighting causes harm to the community. This Code of Conduct articulates a set of behaviors that support a healthier approach to conflict and interaction.

We encourage participation from a large group of people who bring different perspectives to the project. Complex projects require a diverse perspectives; which we can get when we invite dissimilar people to participate in the group. When people from different backgrounds work together on complex projects tensions arise, sometimes leading to verbal abuse. Establishing a Code of Conduct is one way to signify this project values the perspectives of many. We are committed to ensuring participants have an effective method of escalating reports of misconduct so that we can maintain a productive community for all participants.

We expect participants to communicate professionally and thoughtfully. We expect participants in this community to conduct themselves professionally. Since our primary mode of communication is text on an online forum (e.g.issue, pull request, comment, email, or chat text) devoid of vocal tone, gestures, or other context that is often vital to understanding. When someone posts something we expect community members will assume positive intent on the part of the post. Disagreements must remain professional. Even if we reject someone's idea, we continue to welcome their participation. We realize that our work will be used by others, and we will depend on the work of others.

We thank those who created codes of conduct and diversity statements that served as our inspiration.

UBC-MDS/KMediansR documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:14 p.m.