
\pkg{Rcpp} facilitates data interchange between \proglang{R} and \proglang{C++} through the templated functions Rcpp::as (for conversion of objects from \proglang{R} to \proglang{C++}) and Rcpp::wrap (for conversion from \proglang{C++} to \proglang{R}). In other words, we convert between the so-called \proglang{S}-expression pointers (in type SEXP) to a templated \proglang{C++} type, and vice versa. The corresponding function declarations are as follows:

```{Rcpp, eval = FALSE} // conversion from R to C++ template T as(SEXP x);

// conversion from C++ to R template SEXP wrap(const T& object);

These converters are often used implicitly, as in the following code chunk:

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
List fx(List input) { // we get a list from R
// pull std::vector<double> from R list
// this is achieved through an implicit
// call to Rcpp::as
std::vector<double> x = input["x"];

// return an R list; this is achieved
// through an implicit call to Rcpp::wrap
return List::create(_["front"] = x.front(),
                    _["back"]  = x.back());


## Run sourceCpp compilation to include file
# Rcpp::sourceCpp(file= "code.cpp")
input <- list( x = seq(1, 10, by = 0.5) )

The \pkg{Rcpp} converter function Rcpp::as and Rcpp::wrap have been designed to be extensible to user-defined types and third-party types.

Extending Rcpp::wrap

The \pkg{Rcpp::wrap} converter is extensible in essentially two ways : intrusive and non-intrusive.

Intrusive extension

When extending \pkg{Rcpp} with your own data type, the recommended way is to implement a conversion to SEXP. This lets Rcpp::wrap know about the new data type. The template meta programming (or TMP) dispatch is able to recognize that a type is convertible to a SEXP and Rcpp::wrap will use that conversion.

The caveat is that the type must be declared before the main header file Rcpp.h is included.

```{Rcpp, eval = FALSE}


class Foo { public: Foo();

// this operator enables implicit Rcpp::wrap
operator SEXP();



This is called \emph{intrusive} because the conversion to `SEXP`
operator has to be declared within the class.

## Non-intrusive extension

It is often desirable to offer automatic conversion to third-party types, over
which the developer has no control and can therefore not include a conversion
to `SEXP` operator in the class definition.

To provide automatic conversion from \proglang{C++} to \proglang{R}, one must
declare a specialization of the `Rcpp::wrap` template between the
includes of `RcppCommon.h` and `Rcpp.h`.

```{Rcpp, eval = FALSE}
#include <RcppCommon.h>

// third party library that declares class Bar
#include <foobar.h>

// declaring the specialization
namespace Rcpp {
    template <> SEXP wrap(const Bar&);

// this must appear after the specialization,
// otherwise the specialization will not be
// seen by Rcpp types
#include <Rcpp.h>

It should be noted that only the declaration is required. The implementation can appear after the Rcpp.h file is included, and therefore take full advantage of the \pkg{Rcpp} type system.

Another non-intrusive option is to expose an external pointer. The macro RCPP_EXPORT_WRAP provides an easy way to expose a \proglang{C++} class to \proglang{R} as an external pointer. It can be used instead of specializing Rcpp::wrap, and should not be used simultaneously.

```{Rcpp, eval = FALSE}

include RcppCommon.h

include foobar.h


## Templates and partial specialization

It is perfectly valid to declare a partial specialization for the
`Rcpp::wrap` template. The compiler will identify the appropriate

```{Rcpp, eval = FALSE}
#include <RcppCommon.h>

// third party library that declares
// a template class Bling<T>
#include <foobar.h>

// declaring the partial specialization
namespace Rcpp {
    namespace traits {

        template <typename T>
        SEXP wrap(const Bling<T>&);


// this must appear after the specialization, or
// specialization will not be seen by Rcpp types
#include <Rcpp.h>

Extending Rcpp::as

Conversion from \proglang{R} to \proglang{C++} is also possible in both intrusive and non-intrusive ways.

Intrusive extension

As part of its template meta programming dispatch logic, Rcpp::as will attempt to use the constructor of the target class taking a SEXP.

```{Rcpp, eval = FALSE}


class Foo{ public: Foo();

    // this ctor enables implicit Rcpp::as


// this must appear after the specialization, or // specialization will not be seen by Rcpp types


## Non-intrusive extension

It is also possible to fully specialize `Rcpp::as` to enable
non-intrusive implicit conversion capabilities.

```{Rcpp, eval = FALSE}
#include <RcppCommon.h>

// third party library that declares class Bar
#include <foobar.h>

// declaring the specialization
namespace Rcpp {
    template <> Bar as(SEXP);

// this must appear after the specialization, or
// specialization will not be seen by Rcpp types
#include <Rcpp.h>

Furthermore, another non-intrusive option is to opt for sharing an R external pointer. The macro RCPP_EXPORT_AS provides an easy way to extend Rcpp::as to expose \proglang{R} external pointers to \proglang{C++}. It can be used instead of specializing Rcpp::as, and should not be used simultaneously.

```{Rcpp, eval = FALSE}

include RcppCommon.h

include foobar.h


With this being said, there is one additional macro that can be used to 
simultaneously define both `Rcpp::wrap` and `Rcpp::as`
specialization for an external pointer. The macro `RCPP_EXPOSED_CLASS` 
can be use to transparently exchange a class between \proglang{R} and 
\proglang{C++} as an external pointer. Do not simultaneously use it alongside

## Templates and partial specialization

The signature of `Rcpp::as` does not allow partial specialization.
When exposing a templated class to `Rcpp::as`, the programmer must
specialize the \pkg{Rcpp::traits::Exporter} template class. The TMP dispatch
will recognize that a specialization of `Exporter` is available
and delegate the conversion to this class. \pkg{Rcpp} defines
the `Rcpp::traits::Exporter` template class as follows :

```{Rcpp, eval = FALSE}
namespace Rcpp {
    namespace traits {

        template <typename T> class Exporter{
            Exporter(SEXP x) : t(x){}
            inline T get() { return t; }

            T t;

This is the reason why the default behavior of Rcpp::as is to invoke the constructor of the type T taking a SEXP.

Since partial specialization of class templates is allowed, we can expose a set of classes as follows:

```{Rcpp, eval = FALSE}


// third party library that declares // a template class Bling


// declaring the partial specialization namespace Rcpp { namespace traits { template class Exporter< Bling >; } }

// this must appear after the specialization, or // specialization will not be seen by Rcpp types



Using this approach, the requirements for the Exporter< Bling<T> > class are:


The \pkg{Rcpp} package greatly facilitates the transfer of objects between \proglang{R} and \proglang{C++}. This note has shown how to extend \pkg{Rcpp} to either user-defined or third-party classes via the Rcpp::as and Rcpp::wrap template functions. Both intrusive and non-intrusive approaches were discussed.

UBC-MDS/Karl documentation built on May 22, 2019, 1:53 p.m.