

The \rlang language and environment \citep{R:main} has established itself as both an increasingly dominant facility for data analysis, and the lingua franca for statistical computing in both research and application settings.

Since the beginning, and as we argue below, "by design", the \rlang system has always provided an application programming interface (API) suitable for extending \rlang with code written in \clang or \fortranns. Being implemented chiefly in \rlang and \clang (with a generous sprinkling of \fortran for well-established numerical subroutines), \rlang has always been extensible via a \clang interface. Both the actual implementation and the \clang interface use a number of macros and other low-level constructs to exchange data structures between the \rlang process and any dynamically-loaded component modules authors added to it.

A \clang interface will generally also be accessible to other languages. Particularly noteworthy here is the \cpp language, developed originally as a 'better \clangns', which is by its design very interoperable with \clangns. And with the introduction of the \rcpp package \citep{JSS:Rcpp,Eddelbuettel:2013:Rcpp,CRAN:Rcpp}, and its later refinements, this process of extending \rlang has become considerably easier yet also more robust. To date, \rcpp has become the most popular extension system for \rlangns. This article introduces \rcppns, and illustrates with several examples how the Rcpp Attributes mechanism \citep{CRAN:Rcpp:Attributes} in particular eases the transition of objects between \rlang and \cpp code.


\citet[p. 3]{Chambers:2008:SoDA} provides a very thorough discussion of desirable traits for a system designed to program with data, and the \rlang system in particular. Two key themes motivate the introductory discussion. First, the Mission is to aid exploration in order to provide the best platform to analyse data: "to boldly go where no one has gone before." Second, the Prime Directive is that the software systems we build must be trustworthy: "the many computational steps between original data source and displayed result must all be trustful." The remainder of the book then discusses \rlangns, leading to two final chapters on interfaces.

\citet[p. 4]{Chambers:2016:ExtR} builds and expands on this theme. Two core facets of what "makes" \rlang are carried over from the previous book. The first states what \rlang is composed of: Everything that exists in \rlang is an object. The second states how these objects are created or altered: Everything that happens in \rlang is a function call. A third statement is now added: Interfaces to other software are part of \rlangns.

This last addition is profound. If and when suitable and performant software for a task exists, it is in fact desirable to have a (preferably also perfomant) interface to this software from \rlangns. \cite{Chambers:2016:ExtR} discusses several possible approaches for simpler interfaces and illustrates them with reference implementations to both \python\ and \julia. However, the most performant interface for \rlang is provided at the subroutine level, and rather than discussing the older \clang interface for \rlangns, \cite{Chambers:2016:ExtR} prefers to discuss \rcppns. This article follows the same school of thought and aims to introduce \rcpp to analysts and data scientists, aiming to enable them to use---and create--- further interfaces for \rlang which aid the mission while staying true to the prime directive. Adding interfaces in such a way is in fact a natural progression from the earliest designs for its predecessor \slang which was after all designed to provide a more useable 'interface' to underlying routines in \fortranns.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows. We start by discussing possible first steps, chiefly to validate correct installations. This is followed by an introduction to simple \cpp functions, comparison to the \clang API, a discussion of packaging with \rcpp and a linear algebra example. The appendix contains some empirical illustrations of the adoption of \rcppns.

First Steps with \rcpp

\rcpp is a CRAN package and can be installed by using install.packages('Rcpp') just like any other \rlang package. On some operating systems this will download pre-compiled binary packages; on others an installation from source will be attempted. But \rcpp is a little different from many standard \rlang packages in one important aspect: it helps the user to write C(++) programs more easily. The key aspect to note here is \cpp programs: to operate, \rcpp needs not only \rlang but also an additional toolchain of a compiler, linker and more in order to be able to create binary object code extending \rlangns.

We note that this requirement is no different from what is needed with base \rlang when compilation of extensions is attempted. How to achieve this using only base \rlang is described in some detail in the Writing R Extensions manual \citep{R:Extensions} that is included with \rlangns. As for the toolchain requirements, on Linux and macOS, all required components are likely to be present. The macOS can offer additional challenges as toolchain elements can be obtained in different ways. Some of these are addressed in the Rcpp FAQ \citep{CRAN:Rcpp:FAQ} in sections 2.10 and 2.16. On Windows, users will have to install the Rtools kit provided by R Core available at Details of these installation steps are beyond the scope of this paper. However, many external resources exist that provide detailed installation guides for \rlang toolschains in Windows and macOS.

As a first step, and chiefly to establish that the toolchain is set up correctly, consider a minimal use case such as the following:

evalCpp("2 + 2")

Here the \rcpp package is loaded first via the library() function. Next, we deploy one of its simplest functions, evalCpp(), which is described in the Rcpp Attributes vignette \citep{CRAN:Rcpp:Attributes}. It takes the first (and often only) argument---a character object---and evaluates it as a minimal \cpp expression. The value assignment and return are implicit, as is the addition of a trailing semicolon and more. In fact, evalCpp() surrounds the expression with the required 'glue' to make it a minimal source file which can be compiled, linked and loaded. The exact details behind this process are available in-depth when the verbose option of the function is set. If everything is set up correctly, the newly-created \rlang function will be returned.

While such a simple expression is not interesting in itself, it serves a useful purpose here to unequivocally establish whether \rcpp is correctly set up. Having accomplished that, we can proceed to the next step of creating simple functions.

A first \cpp function using \rcpp

As a first example, consider the determination of whether a number is odd or even. The default practice is to use modular arithmetic to check if a remainder exists under $x \bmod 2$. Within \rlangns, this can be implemented as follows:

isOddR <- function(num = 10L) {
   result <- (num %% 2L == 1L)

The operator %% implements the $\bmod$ operation in \rlangns. For the default (integer) argument of ten used in the example, $10 \bmod 2$ results in zero, which is then mapped to FALSE in the context of a logical expression.

Translating this implementation into \cppns, several small details have to be considered. First and foremost, as \cpp is a statically-typed language, there needs to be additional (compile-time) information provided for each of the variables. Specifically, a type, i.e. the kind of storage used by a variable must be explicitly defined. Typed languages generally offer benefits in terms of both correctness (as it is harder to accidentally assign to an ill-matched type) and performance (as the compiler can optimize code based on the storage and cpu characteristics). Here we have an int argument, but return a logical, or bool for short. Two more smaller differences are that each statement within the body must be concluded with a semicolon, and that return does not require parentheses around its argument. A graphical breakdown of all aspects of a corresponding \cpp function is given in Figure \ref{fig:cpp-function-annotation}.

\begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=5.5in]{figures/function_annotation_cpp.png} \caption{Graphical annotation of the \texttt{is_odd_cpp} function.} \label{fig:cpp-function-annotation} \end{center} \end{figure}

When using \rcppns, such \cpp functions can be directly embedded and compiled in an \rlang script file through the use of the cppFunction() provided by Rcpp Attributes \citep{CRAN:Rcpp:Attributes}. The first parameter of the function accepts string input that represents the \cpp code. Upon calling the cppFunction(), and similarly to the earlier example involving evalCpp(), the \cpp code is both compiled and linked, and then imported into \rlang under the name of the function supplied (e.g. here isOddCpp()).

bool isOddCpp(int num = 10) {
   bool result = (num % 2 == 1);
   return result;

Extending \rlang via its \clang API

Let us first consider the case of 'standard \rlangns', i.e. the API as defined in the core \rlang documentation. Extending \rlang with routines written using the \clang language requires the use of internal macros and functions documented in Chapter 5 of Writing R Extensions \citep{R:Extensions}.

```{Rcpp convolutionC, eval = FALSE}



SEXP convolve2(SEXP a, SEXP b) { int na, nb, nab; double xa, xb, *xab; SEXP ab;

a = PROTECT(coerceVector(a, REALSXP));
b = PROTECT(coerceVector(b, REALSXP));
na = length(a); nb = length(b); 
nab = na + nb - 1;
ab = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nab));
xa = REAL(a); xb = REAL(b); xab = REAL(ab);
for (int i = 0; i < nab; i++)
    xab[i] = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < na; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++)
        xab[i + j] += xa[i] * xb[j];
return ab;


This function computes a _convolution_ of two vectors supplied on input, $a$ and
$b$, which is defined to be ${ab_{k + 1}} = \sum\limits_{i + j == k} {{a_i} \cdot {b_j}}$.
Before computing the convolution (which is really just the three lines involving two
nested for loops with indices $i$ and $j$), a total of ten lines of mere housekeeping
are required. Vectors $a$ and $b$ are coerced to `double`, and a results vector `ab` is
allocated. This expression involves three calls to the `PROTECT` macro for which a _precisely_
matching `UNPROTECT(3)` is required as part of the interfacing of internal memory
allocation. The vectors are accessed through pointer equivalents `xa`, `xb` and `xab`; and
the latter has to be explicitly zeroed prior to the convolution calculation involving
incremental summary at index $i+j$.

# Extending \rlang via the \cpp API of \rcpp

Using the idioms of \rcppns, the above example can be written in a much more
compact fashion---leading to code that is simpler to read and

```{Rcpp convolutionRcpp, eval = FALSE}
#include "Rcpp.h"
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
convolve_cpp(const NumericVector& a,
             const NumericVector& b) {

    // Declare loop counters, and vector sizes
    int i, j,
        na = a.size(), nb = b.size(),
        nab = na + nb - 1;

    // Create vector filled with 0
    NumericVector ab(nab);

    // Crux of the algorithm
    for(i = 0; i < na; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < nb; j++) {
            ab[i + j] += a[i] * b[j];

    // Return result
    return ab;                                     

To deploy such code from within an \rlang script or session, first save it into a new file---which could be called convolve.cpp---in either the working directory, a temporary directoy or a project directory. Then from within the \rlang session, use Rcpp::sourceCpp("convolve.cpp") (possibly using a path as well as the filename). This not only compiles, links and loads the code within the external file but also adds the necessary "glue" to make the \rcpp function available in the \rlang environment. Once the code is compiled and linked, call the newly-created convolve_cpp() function with the appropriate parameters as done in previous examples.

What is notable about the \rcpp version is that it has no PROTECT or UNPROTECT which not only frees the programmer from a tedious (and error-prone) step but more importantly also shows that memory management can be handled automatically. The result vector is already initialized at zero as well, reducing the entire function to just the three lines for the two nested loops, plus some variable declarations and the return statement. The resulting code is shorter, easier to read, comprehend and maintain. Furthermore, the \rcpp code is more similar to traditional \rlang code, which reduces the barrier of entry.

Data Driven Performance Decisions with \rcpp

When beginning to implement an idea, more so an algorithm, there are many ways one is able to correctly implement it. Prior to the routine being used in production, two questions must be asked:

  1. Does the implementation produce the correct results?
  2. What implementation of the routine is the best?

The first question is subject to a binary pass-fail unit test verification while the latter question is where the details of an implementation are scrutinized to extract maximal efficiency from the routine. The quality of the best routine follows first and foremost from its correctness. To that end, \rlang offers many different unit testing frameworks such as \pkg{RUnit} by \cite{CRAN:RUnit}, which is used to construct \rcppns's 1385+ unit tests, and \pkg{testthat} by \cite{CRAN:testthat}. Only when correctness is achieved is it wise to begin the procedure of optimizing the efficiency of the routine and, in turn, selecting the best routine.

Optimization of an algorithm involves performing a quantitative analysis of the routine's properties. There are two main approaches to analyzing the behavior of a routine: theoretical analysis\footnote{ Theoretical analysis is often directed to describing the limiting behavior of a function through asymptotic notation, commonly referred to as Big O and denoted as $\mathcal{O}(\cdot)$.} or an empirical examination using profiling tools.\footnote{ Within base \rlangns, profiling can be activated by \code{utils::Rprof()} for individual command timing information, \code{utils::Rprofmem()} for memory information, and \code{System.time({})} for a quick overall execution timing. Additional profiling \rlang packages such as \pkg{profvis} by \cite{CRAN:profvis}, \pkg{Rperform} by \cite{GitHub:Rperform}, and benchmarking packages have extended the ability to analyze performance.} Typically, the latter option is more prominently used as the routine's theoretical properties are derived prior to an implementation being started. Often the main concern regarding an implementation in \rlang relates to the speed of the algorithm as it impacts how quickly analyses can be done and reports can be provided to decision makers. Coincidentally, the speed of code is one of the key governing use cases of \rcppns. Profiling \rlang code will reveal shortcomings related to loops, e.g. for, while, and repeat; conditional statements, e.g. if-else if-else and switch; and recursive functions, i.e. a function written in terms of itself such that the problem is broken down on each call in a reduced state until an answer can be obtained. In contrast, the overhead for such operations is significantly less in \cppns. Thus, critical components of a given routine should be written in \rcpp to capture maximal efficiency.

Returning to the second question, to decide which implementation works the best, one needs to employ a benchmark to obtain quantifiable results. Benchmarks are an ideal way to quantify how well a method performs because they have the ability to show the amount of time the code has been running and where bottlenecks exist within functions. This does not imply that benchmarks are completely infallible as user error can influence the end results. For example, if a user decides to benchmark code in one \rlang session and in another session performs a heavy computation, then the benchmark will be biased (if "wall clock" is measured).

There are different levels of magnification that a benchmark can provide. For a more macro analysis, one should benchmark data using benchmark(test = func(), test2 = func2()), a function from the \pkg{rbenchmark} \rlang package by \cite{CRAN:rbenchmark}. This form of benchmarking will be used when the computation is more intensive. The motivating example isOdd() (which is only able to accept a single integer) warrants a much more microscopic timing comparison. In cases such as this, the objective is to obtain precise results in the amount of nanoseconds elapsed. Using the microbenchmark function from the \pkg{microbenchmark} \rlang package by \cite{CRAN:microbenchmark} is more helpful to obtain timing information. To perform the benchmark:

results <- microbenchmark(isOddR   = isOddR(12L),
                          isOddCpp = isOddCpp(12L))
print(summary(results)[, c(1:7)],digits=1)

By looking at the summary of 100 evaluations, we note that the \rcpp function performed better than the equivalent in \rlang by achieving a lower run time on average. The lower run time in this part is not necessarily critical as the difference is nanoseconds on a trivial computation. However, each section of code does contribute to a faster overall runtime.

Random Numbers within \rcppns: An Example of Rcpp Sugar

\rcpp connects \rlang with \cppns. Only the former is vectorized: \cpp is not. Rcpp Sugar, however, provides a convenient way to work with high-performing \cpp functions in a similar way to how \rlang offers vectorized operations. The Rcpp Sugar vignette \citep{CRAN:Rcpp:Sugar} details these, as well as many more functions directly accessible to \rcpp in a way that should feel familiar to \rlang users. Some examples of Rcpp Sugar functions include special math functions like gamma and beta, statistical distributions and random number generation.

We will illustrate a case of random number generation. Consider drawing one or more $N(0,1)$-distributed random variables. The very simplest case can just use evalCpp():

evalCpp("R::rnorm(0, 1)")

By setting a seed, we can make this reproducible:

evalCpp("R::rnorm(0, 1)")

One important aspect of the behind-the-scenes code generation for the single expression (as well as all code created via Rcpp Attributes) is the automatic preservation of the state of the random nunber generators in \rlangns. This means that from a given seed, we will receive identical draws of random numbers whether we access them from \rlang or via \cpp code accessing the same generators (via the \rcpp interfaces). To illustrate, the same number is drawn via \rlang code after resetting the seed:

# Implicit mean of 0, sd of 1

We can make the Rcpp Sugar function rnorm() accessible from \rlang in the same way to return a vector of values:


Note that we use the Rcpp:: namespace explicitly here to contrast the vectorised Rcpp::rnorm() with the scalar R::rnorm() also provided as a convenience wrapper for the \clang API of \rlangns.

And as expected, this too replicates from \rlang as the very same generators are used in both cases along with consistent handling of generator state permitting to alternate:


Translating Code from \rlang into \rcppns: A Bootstrapping Example

Statistical inference relied primarily upon asymptotic theory until \cite{Efron:1979:Bootstrap} proposed the bootstrap. Bootstrapping is known to be computationally intensive due to the need to use loops. Thus, it is an ideal candidate to use as an example. Before starting to write \cpp code using \rcpp, prototype the code in \rlangns.

# Function declaration
bootstrap_r <- function(ds, B = 1000) {

  # Preallocate storage for statistics
  boot_stat <- matrix(NA, nrow = B, ncol = 2)

  # Number of observations
  n <- length(ds)

  # Perform bootstrap 
  for(i in seq_len(B)) {
     # Sample initial data
     gen_data <- ds[ sample(n, n, replace=TRUE) ]
     # Calculate sample data mean and SD
     boot_stat[i,] <- c(mean(gen_data),

  # Return bootstrap result

Before continuing, check that the initial prototype \rlang code works. To do so, write a short \rlang script. Note the use of set.seed() to ensure reproducible draws.

# Set seed to generate data
# Generate data
initdata <- rnorm(1000, mean = 21, sd = 10)
# Set a new _different_ seed for bootstrapping
# Perform bootstrap
result_r <- bootstrap_r(initdata)

Figure \ref{fig:bootstrap-graphs} shows that the bootstrap procedure worked well!

make_boot_graph <- function(ds, actual, type, ylim){
  hist(ds, main = paste(type, "Bootstrap"), xlab = "Samples",
       col = "lightblue", lwd = 2, prob = TRUE, ylim = ylim, cex.axis = .85, cex.lab = .90)
  abline(v = actual, col = "orange2", lwd = 2)
pdf("bootstrap.pdf", width=6.5, height=3.25)
make_boot_graph(result_r[,1], 21, "Mean", c(0, 1.23))
make_boot_graph(result_r[,2], 10, "SD", c(0, 1.85))

\begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=6.5in, height=3.25in]{bootstrap} \caption{Results of the bootstrapping procedure for sample mean and variance.} \label{fig:bootstrap-graphs} \end{center} \end{figure}

With reassurances that the method to be implemented within \rcpp works appropriately in \rlangns, proceed to translating the code into \rcppns. As indicated previously, there are many convergences between \rcpp syntax and base \rlang via \rcpp Sugar.

```{Rcpp bootstrap_in_cpp}


// Function declaration with export tag // [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::NumericMatrix bootstrap_cpp(Rcpp::NumericVector ds, int B = 1000) {

// Preallocate storage for statistics Rcpp::NumericMatrix boot_stat(B, 2);

// Number of observations int n = ds.size();

// Perform bootstrap for(int i = 0; i < B; i++) { // Sample initial data Rcpp::NumericVector gen_data = ds[ floor(Rcpp::runif(n, 0, n)) ]; // Calculate sample mean and std dev boot_stat(i, 0) = mean(gen_data); boot_stat(i, 1) = sd(gen_data); }

// Return bootstrap results return boot_stat; }

In the \rcpp version of the bootstrap function, there are a few additional
changes that occurred during the translation. In particular, the use of
`Rcpp::runif(n, 0, n)` enclosed by `floor()`, which rounds down to the nearest integer,
in place of `sample(n, n, replace = TRUE)` to sample row ids. This is an
equivalent substitution since equal weight is being placed upon all row ids and
replacement is allowed.\footnote{For more flexibility in sampling see Christian Gunning's
Sample extension for \pkg{RcppArmadillo} and 
\href{}{Rcpp Gallery: Using the \pkg{RcppArmadillo}-based Implementation of R's sample()} or consider using the \code{Rcpp::sample()} sugar function added in 0.12.9 by Nathan Russell.}
Note that the upper bound of the interval, `n`, will never be reached. While
this may seem flawed, it is important to note that vectors and matrices in
\cpp use a zero-based indexing system, meaning that they begin at 0 instead of 1
and go up to $n-1$ instead of $n$, which is unlike \rlangns's system. Thus, an
out of bounds error would be triggered if `n` was used as that point does _not_
exist within the data structure. The application of this logic can be seen
in the span the `for` loop takes in \cpp when compared to \rlangns. Another 
syntactical change is the use of `()` in place of `[]`
while accessing the matrix. This change is due to the governance of \cpp
and its comma operator making it impossible to place multiple indices inside 
the square brackets.

To validate that the translation was successful, first run the \cpp function
under the _same_ data and seed as was given for the \rlang function.

# Use the same seed use in R and C++ 
# Perform bootstrap with C++ function
result_cpp <- bootstrap_cpp(initdata)

Next, check the output between the functions using \rlang's all.equal() function that allows for an $\varepsilon$-neighborhood around a number.

# Compare output
all.equal(result_r, result_cpp)

Lastly, make sure to benchmark the newly translated \rcpp function against the \rlang implementation. As stated earlier, data is paramount to making a decision related to which function to use in an analysis or package.


benchmark(r = bootstrap_r(initdata),
          cpp = bootstrap_cpp(initdata))[, 1:4]

Using \rcpp as an Interface to External Libraries: Exploring Linear Algebra Extensions

Many of the previously illustrated \rcpp examples were directed primarily to show the gains in computational efficiency that are possible by implementing code directly in \cppns; however, this is only one potential application of \rcppns. Perhaps one of the most understated features of \rcpp is its ability to enable \cite{Chambers:2016:ExtR}'s third statement of Interfaces to other software are part of \rlangns. In particular, \rcpp is designed to facilitate interfacing libraries written in \cpp or \clang to \rlangns. Hence, if there is a specific feature within a \cpp or \clang library, then one can create a bridge to it using \rcpp to enable it from within \rlangns.

An example is the use of \cpp matrix algebra libraries like \pkg{Armadillo} \citep{Sanderson:2010:Armadillo} or \pkg{Eigen} \citep{Eigen:Web}. By outsourcing complex linear algebra operations to matrix libraries, the need to directly call functions within \pkg{Linear Algebra PACKage (LAPACK)} \citep{Anderson:1990:UGLAPACK} is negated. Moreover, the \rcpp design allows for seamless transfer between object types by using automatic converters governed by wrap(), \cpp to \rlang, and as<T>(), \rlang to \cpp with the T indicating the type of object being cast into. These two helper functions provide a non-invasive way to work with an external object. Thus, a further benefit to using external \cpp libraries is the ability to have a portable code base that can be implemented within a standalone \cpp program or within another computational language.

Compute RNG draws from a multivariate Normal

A common application in statistical computing is simulating from a multivariate normal distribution. The algorithm relies on a linear transformation of the standard Normal distribution. Letting $\boldsymbol{Y}{m \times 1} = \boldsymbol{A}{m\times n}\boldsymbol{Z}{n\times 1} + \boldsymbol{b}{m\times 1}$, where $\boldsymbol{A}$ is a $m \times n$ matrix, $\boldsymbol{b} \in \mathbb{R}^m$, $\boldsymbol{Z} \sim N(\boldsymbol{0}{n},\boldsymbol{I}_n)$, and $\boldsymbol{I}_n$ is the identity matrix, then ${\boldsymbol{Y}} \sim N{m}\left({\boldsymbol{\mu} = \boldsymbol{b}, \boldsymbol{\Sigma} = \boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{A}^T}\right)$. To obtain the matrix $\boldsymbol{A}$ from $\boldsymbol{\Sigma}$, either a Cholesky or Eigen decomposition is required. As noted in \citet{Venables+Ripley:2002:MASS}, the Eigen decomposition is more stable in addition to being more computationally demanding compared to the Cholesky decomposition. For simplicity and speed, we have opted to implement the sampling procedure using a Cholesky decomposition. Regardless, there is a need to involve one of the above matrix libraries to make the sampling viable in \cppns.

Here, we demonstrate how to take advantage of the Armadillo linear algebra template classes \citep{Sanderson+Curtin:2016} via the \pkg{RcppArmadillo} package \citep{Eddelbuettel+Sanderson:2013:RcppArmadillo, CRAN:RcppArmadillo}. Prior to running this example, the \pkg{RcppArmadillo} package must be installed using install.packages('RcppArmadillo').\footnote{macOS users may encounter -lgfortran and -lquadmath errors on compilations with this package if the development environment is not appropriately set up. \href{}{Section 2.16 of the Rcpp FAQ} provides details regarding the necessary gfortran binaries.} One important caveat when using additional packages within the \rcpp ecosystem is the correct header file may not be Rcpp.h. In a majority of cases, the additional package ships a dedicated header (as e.g. RcppArmadillo.h here) which not only declares data structures from both systems, but may also add complementary integration and conversion routines. It typically needs to be listed in an include statement along with a depends() attribute to tell \rlang where to find the additional header files:

```{Rcpp armaDepends, eval = F} // Use the RcppArmadillo package // Requires different header file from Rcpp.h


// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]

With this in mind, sampling from a multivariate normal distribution can
be obtained in a straightforward manner. Using only _Armadillo_
data types and values:

```{Rcpp rmvnorm, eval = FALSE}
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]

// Sample N x P observations from a Standard 
// Multivariate Normal given N observations, a 
// vector  of P means, and a P x P cov matrix
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat rmvnorm(int n, 
                  const arma::vec& mu, 
                  const arma::mat& Sigma) {
    unsigned int p = Sigma.n_cols;

    // First draw N x P values from a N(0,1)
    Rcpp::NumericVector draw = Rcpp::rnorm(n*p);

    // Instantiate an Armadillo matrix with the 
    // drawn values using advanced constructor 
    // to reuse allocated memory
    arma::mat Z = arma::mat(draw.begin(), n, p, 
                            false, true);

    // Simpler, less performant alternative 
    // arma::mat Z = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(draw);

    // Generate a sample from the Transformed 
    // Multivariate Normal
    arma::mat Y = arma::repmat(mu, 1, n).t() + 
        Z * arma::chol(Sigma);

    return Y;

As a result of using a random number generation (RNG), there is an additional requirement to ensure reproducible results: the necessity to explicitly set a seed (as shown above). Because of the (programmatic) interface provided by \rlang to its own RNGs, this setting of the seed has to occur at the \rlang level via the set.seed() function as no (public) interface is provided by the \rlang header files.

Faster linear model fits

As a second example, consider the problem of estimating a common linear model repeatedly. One use case might be the simulation of size and power of standard tests. Many users of \rlang would default to using lm(), however, the overhead associated with this function greatly impacts speed with which an estimate can be obtained. Another approach would be to take the base \rlang function, which is called by lm(), to compute estimated $\hat{\beta}$ in just about the fastest time possible. However, this approach is also not viable as it does not report the estimated standard errors. As a result, we cannot use any default \rlang functions in the context of simulating finite sample population effects on inference.

One alternative is provided by the fastLm() function in \pkg{RcppArmadillo} \citep{CRAN:RcppArmadillo}.

```{Rcpp fastLm, eval = FALSE}


// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]

// Compute coefficients and their standard error // during multiple linear regression given a // design matrix X containing N observations with // P regressors and a vector y containing of // N responses // [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::List fastLm(const arma::mat& X, const arma::colvec& y) { // Dimension information int n = X.n_rows, p = X.n_cols;

// Fit model y ~ X 
arma::colvec coef = arma::solve(X, y);

// Compute the residuals 
arma::colvec res  = y - X*coef;

// Estimated variance of the random error 
double s2 = 
    std::inner_product(res.begin(), res.end(),
                       res.begin(), 0.0) 
                       / (n - p);

// Standard error matrix of coefficients
arma::colvec std_err = arma::sqrt(s2 * 

// Create named list with the above quantities
return Rcpp::List::create(
    Rcpp::Named("coefficients") = coef,
    Rcpp::Named("stderr")       = std_err,
    Rcpp::Named("df.residual")  = n - p    );


The interface is very simple: a matrix $X_{n \times p}$ of regressors, and a
dependent variable $y_{n \times 1}$ as a vector.  We invoke the standard Armadillo
function `solve()` to fit the model `y ~ X`.\footnote{We should note
that this will use the standard \pkg{LAPACK} functionality via Armadillo whereas R
uses an internal refinement of \pkg{LINPACK} \citep{Dongarra:1979:UGLINPACK} via pivoting,
rendering the operation numerically more stable.  That is an important
robustness aspect---though common datasets on current hardware almost
never lead to actual differences.  That said, if in doubt, stick with
the R implementation.  What is shown here is mostly for exposition of
the principles.}  We then compute residuals, and extract the
(appropriately scaled) diagonal of the covariance matrix, also taking
its square root, in order to return both estimates $\hat{\beta}$ and $\hat{\sigma}$.

# \rcpp in Packages

Once a project containing compiled code has matured to the point of sharing it with
collaborators\footnote{It is sometimes said that every project has two collaborators:
self, and future self. Packaging code is \textsl{best practices} even for code not
intended for public uploading.} or using it within a parallel computing environments, the
ideal way forward is to embed the code within an \rlang package. Not only does an \rlang
package provide a way to automatically compile source code, but also enables the use of
the \rlang help system to document how the written functions should be used. As a further
benefit, the package format enables the use of unit tests to ensure that the functions are
producing the correct output.  Lastly, having a package provides the option of uploading
to a repository such as CRAN for wider dissemination.

To facilitate package building, \rcpp provides a function `Rcpp.package.skeleton()` that
is modeled after the base \rlang function `package.skeleton()`. This function automates
the creation of a skeleton package appropriate for distributing \rcppns:


\begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=3in]{figures/samplePkg-files-light-bg.png} \caption{Graphical annotation of the \texttt{is_odd_cpp} function.} \label{fig:package-files} \end{center} \end{figure}

This shows how distinct directories man, R, src are created for, respectively, the help pages, files with \rlang code and files with \cpp code. Generally speaking, all compiled code, be it from \clangns, \cpp or \fortran sources, should be placed within the src/ directory.

Alternatively, one can achieve similar results to using Rcpp.package.skeleton() by using a feature of the RStudio IDE. Specifically, while creating a new package project there is an option to select the type of package by engaging a dropdown menu to select "Package w/ Rcpp" in RStudio versions prior to v1.1.0. In RStudio versions later than v1.1.0, support for package templates has been added allowing users to directly create \rcppns-based packages that use Eigen or Armadillo.

Lastly, one more option exists for users who are familiar with the \pkg{devtools} \rlang package. To create the \rlang package skeleton use devtools::create("samplePkg"). From here, part of the structure required by \rcpp can be added by using devtools::use_rcpp(). The remaining aspects needed by \rcpp must be manually copied from the roxygen tags written to console and pasted into one of the package's \rlang files to successfully incorporate the dynamic library and link to \rcppns's headers.

All of these methods take care of a number of small settings one would have to enable manually otherwise. These include an 'Imports:' and 'LinkingTo:' declaration in file DESCRIPTION, as well as 'useDynLib' and 'importFrom' in NAMESPACE. For Rcpp Attributes use, the compileAttributes() function has to be called. Similarly, to take advantage of its documentation-creation feature, the roxygenize() function from \pkg{roxygen2} has to be called.\footnote{The \pkg{littler} package \citep{CRAN:littler} has a helper script roxy.r for this.} Additional details on using \rcpp within a package scope are detailed in \citet{CRAN:Rcpp:Package}.


\rlang has always provided mechanisms to extend it. The bare-bones \clang API is already used to great effect by a large number of packages. By taking advantage of a number of \cpp features, \rcpp has been able to make extending \rlang easier, offering a combination of both speed and ease of use that has been finding increasingly widespread utilization by researchers and data scientists. We are thrilled about this adoption, and look forward to seeing more exciting extensions to \rlang being built.

UBC-MDS/Karl documentation built on May 22, 2019, 1:53 p.m.