
R Package Karl - Tests

This package contains three functions. Unit tests were produced for each of them.

test EDA(X, y)

This function first tests the type/class of the input, in this case X a data frame containing three numeric variables. Then, it tests the type/class and column names of the output, a data frame containing statistics. Finally, it compares the content of the data frame, i.e. several statistics for each variables from the input, with the same statistic computed "by hand".

test LinearRegression(X, y)

This function tests the output type and its content: the elements' name, length and values, for several X input: - one continuous feature, - one continuous feature with duplicated observations, - three continuous features and one character feature.

It also tests if an error is return when there is no continuous feature.

test plot_karl(lm)

This function first tests the input of the plot_karl function, to be sure that what is used is what should be used. Then, it tests the type and length of the output.

UBC-MDS/Karl documentation built on May 22, 2019, 1:53 p.m.