

test_that("with_package works", {

  # tools package not attached to the search path
  expect_false("package:tools" %in% search())


    # SIGINT is an exported object in tools
    expect_equal(SIGINT, 2))

  # tools package still not attached to the search path
  expect_false("package:tools" %in% search())

test_that("local_package works", {

  # tools package not attached to the search path
  expect_false("package:tools" %in% search())

  f <- function() {

    # SIGINT is an exported object in tools
    expect_equal(SIGINT, 2)


  # tools package still not attached to the search path
  expect_false("package:tools" %in% search())

test_that("with_namespace works", {

  # tools package not attached to the search path
  expect_false("<environment: namespace:tools>" %in% search())

  with_namespace("tools", {

    expect_true("<environment: namespace:tools>" %in% search())

    # .check_packages is a non-exported object in tools

  # tools namespace still not attached to the search path
  expect_false("<environment: namespace:tools>" %in% search())

test_that("local_namespace works", {

  # tools package not attached to the search path
  expect_false("<environment: namespace:tools>" %in% search())

  f <- function() {

    expect_true("<environment: namespace:tools>" %in% search())

    # .check_packages is a non-exported object in tools


  # tools namespace still not attached to the search path
  expect_false("<environment: namespace:tools>" %in% search())

test_that("with_environment works", {

  e <- new.env()
  e$a <- 1

  # environment not attached to the search path
  expect_false(format(e) %in% search())

  with_environment(e, {

  # environment attached to the search path
    expect_true(format(e) %in% search())
    expect_equal(a, 1)

  # environment not attached to the search path
  expect_false(format(e) %in% search())

test_that("local_environment works", {

  e <- new.env()
  e$a <- 1

  # environment not attached to the search path
  expect_false(format(e) %in% search())

  f <- function() {

  # environment attached to the search path
    expect_true(format(e) %in% search())
    expect_equal(a, 1)


  # environment not attached to the search path
  expect_false(format(e) %in% search())
UBC-MDS/Karl documentation built on May 22, 2019, 1:53 p.m.