
Branch Coverage


| Condition | Test function | | --- | -------- | | the URL is not a valid SO webpage | test_that("url is correct") | | the URL is valid | test_that("web_page is correct") |


| Condition | Test function | | --- | -------- | | the webpage has no response | test_that("popular is correct if no answer") | | the webpage has resonses; choice equals 'likes' or 'author' | test_that("popular_argument is correct") | | the webpage has resonses; choice equals 'author'; no author accepted answer | test_that("popular is correct if no author accepted answer") |


| Condition | Test function | | --- | -------- | | webpage is loaded | test_that("response_stats is correct") |

UBC-MDS/SOresponse_R documentation built on May 26, 2019, 6:33 a.m.