### Installation

Install this package directly from GitHub:



Simple example demonstrating the functionality of this package:

# load package

# load Stack Overflow response page
question <- web_page('https://stackoverflow.com/questions/100003/what-are-metaclasses-in-python?rq=1')

# Returns authors selected answer
popular(question, type='author')

# Returns general statitics about response page


The SOresponse package is used for text analysis of Stack Overflow responses. There are both R and Python versions for this package. This package will include 3 functions: web_page() popular() response_stats()

url - Web address of Stack Overflow response page. (Must enter exact URL)


Returns the question being asked on the given Stack Overflow response webpage. If unsuccessful corresponding error will be returned.


`url` - An object that used the `web_page()` function.

`type` - "likes" returns response with the most likes. "author" returns response confirmed by author of question.


Returns a response. This will be of a character type.


`url` - An object that used the `web_page()` function.


Returns a vector of length 4 that includes number of responses, average reputation score, top reputation score, author reputation score.

Similar packages to SOresponse are Py-StackExchange for python and overflowr for R. Py-StackExchange is well managed and has been kept up to date. overflowr has been abandon. There links respectively are https://github.com/lucjon/Py-StackExchange and https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/174972/stackoverflow-api-for-r.

UBC-MDS/SOresponse_R documentation built on May 26, 2019, 6:33 a.m.