
Adding Changes

Please feel free to send a pull request, but remember that by participating in this project you are agreeing to our Code of Conduct and License.

Git Workflow

To contribute, just fork this repo and then clone it locally by running:

git clone

To set up tracking to the upstream repo, run:

git remote add upstream

Then to add, commit, and push changes for the first time, run:

git add <files_to_add>
git commit -m '[COMMIT MESSAGE]'
git push -u origin master

Submit a pull request when you're ready. We'll make every effort to respond within five business days.

To catch up on changes in the remote repo, run:

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
git push

Raising Issues

We look through issues regularly, so feel free to add any issues to the repo and we'll respond.

Final Notes

Thanks for contributing! Please remember to make descriptive commits.

This Contributing document was adapted from thoughtbot and ptoolkit

UBC-MDS/noRmtest documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:14 p.m.