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punisheR is a package for feature and model selection in R. Specifically, this package implements tools for forward and backward model selection. In order to measure model quality during the selection procedures, we have also implemented the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC).

Functions included

The package contains two stepwise feature selection techniques:


The package contains three metrics that evaluate model performance:

These three criteria measure the relative quality of models within forward() and backward() and can be configured using the criterion parameter. In general, having more parameters in your model increases prediction accuracy but is highly susceptible to overfitting. AIC and BIC add a penalty for the number of features in a model. The lower the AIC and BIC score, the better the model.

How does punisheR fit into the existing R ecosystem?

In the R ecosystem, forward and backward selection are implemented in both the olsrr and MASS packages. The former provides ols_step_forward() and ols_step_backward() for forward and backward stepwise selection, respectively. Both of these use p-value as a metric for feature selection. The latter, MASS, contains StepAIC(), which is complete with three modes: forward, backward or both. Other packages that provide subset selection for regression models are leaps and bestglm.

Loading the demo data

To demonstrate how punisheR's feature selection and criterion functions work, we will use our demo data mtcars_data() which arranges [mtcars]( into the correct format for our use cases.

mtcars_data() returns a list of 4 dataframes in the following order: X_train, y_train, X_val, and y_val. Horsepower (hp) is the response variable (y), while the remaining variables of mtcars are the predictive features (X). The data is split into training data, which is used to train the model, and validation data which validates (scores) it.

# Loading the demo mtcars data
data <- mtcars_data()
X_train <- data[[1]]
y_train <- data[[2]]
X_val <- data[[3]]
y_val <- data[[4]]

Forward Selection

There are two parameters that determine how features are selected in forward selection:

  1. n_features specifies the number of features. If you set n_features to 3, the forward selection function will select the 3 best features for your model.
  2. min_change specifies the minimum change in score in order to proceed to the next iteration. The function stops when there are no features left that cause a change larger than the threshold min_change.

In order for forward selection to work, only one of n_features and min_change can be active. The other must be set to NULL.

Let's look at how n_features works within forward selection:

a) Usage example with aic as criterion
forward(X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, min_change=NULL,
                    n_features=2, criterion='aic', verbose=FALSE)

When implementing forward selection on the mtcars dataset with hp as the response variable , it returns a list of features that form the best model. In the above example, the desired number of features has been specified as 2 and the criterion being used is aic. The function returns a list of 2 features.

b) Usage example with bic as criterion
forward(X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, min_change=NULL,
                    n_features=3, criterion='bic', verbose=FALSE)

In the above example, the desired number of features has been specified as 3 and the criterion being used is bic. The function returns a list of 3 features.

c) Usage example with r-squared as criterion
forward(X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, min_change=NULL,
                    n_features=4, criterion='r-squared', verbose=FALSE)

In the above example, the desired number of features has been specified as 4 and the criterion being used is r-squared. The function returns a list of 4 features.

Forward selection also works by specifying the smallest change in criterion, min_change:

forward(X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, min_change=0.5,
                    n_features=NULL, criterion='r-squared', verbose=FALSE)

In the example above, forward selction returns a list of 6 features when a minimum change of 0.5 is required in r-squared's score for an additional feature to be selected.

Note: When using the criterion as aic or bic, the value for min_change should be carefully selected as aic and bic tend to have much larger values than r-squared.

Backward Selection

Backward selection works in the same way as forward selection such that you must configure n_features or min_change, as well as the criterion to score the model.

a) Usage example with aic as criterion
backward(X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val,
                     n_features=7, min_change=NULL, criterion='aic',
b) Usage example with bic as criterion
backward(X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val,
                     n_features=7, min_change=NULL, criterion='bic',
c) Usage example with r-squared as criterion
backward(X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val,
                     n_features=7, min_change=NULL, criterion='r-squared',

With n_features configured to 7, each example above returns the 7 best features based on model score. You can see above that changing the criterion can result in a different output of "best" features.

In the example below, backward selection returns a list of 10 features when the min_change in the r-squared criterion is specified as 0.5.

backward(X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val,
                     n_features=NULL, min_change=0.5, criterion='r-squared',

AIC, BIC & $R^2$

punisheR also provides three standalone functions to compute AIC, BIC, and $R^2$. For aic() and bic() you simply need to pass in the model (e.g., a lm() object). You can also pass in the validation data and response variable (X_val, y_val). By default, X and y are extracted from the model.

model <- lm(y_train ~ mpg + cyl + disp, data = X_train)
aic(model, X_val, y_val)

bic(model, X_val, y_val)

When scoring the model using AIC and BIC, we can see that the penalty when using bic is greater than the penalty obtained using aic.

r_squared(model, X_val, y_val)

The value returned by the function r_squared() will be between 0 and 1.

UBC-MDS/punisheR documentation built on May 25, 2019, 1:36 p.m.