#' Testing ForwardSelection
#' assert that length of selected features is smaller than total number of features
#' assert that selected features performs better than model with all features
#' @export
test_ForwardSelection<- function(){
# Setting
y <- mtcars$mpg
x <- mtcars[,-1]
selected <- ForwardSelection(my_mod="lm", feature=x, label=y, type="regression", cv=5)
train_control <- caret::trainControl(method="cv", number=5)
ffs_model <- caret::train(x=x[selected], y=y, trControl = train_control, method ="lm", metric="RMSE")
control_model <- caret::train(x=x, y=y, trControl = train_control, method ="lm", metric="RMSE")
ffs_score <- as.double(ffs_model$results["RMSE"])
control_score <- as.double(control_model$results["RMSE"])
# Test
# your model should be supported by caret
test_that('should throw error', {
expect_error(ForwardSelection(my_mod="modelabc", feature=x, label=y, type="regression", cv=5), "your model should be supported by caret")
# feature should be a list
test_that('should throw error', {
expect_error(ForwardSelection(my_mod="lm", feature=3, label=y, type="regression", cv=5), "invalid argument type")
# number of folds for cross validation should be an integer
test_that('should throw error', {
expect_error(ForwardSelection(my_mod="lm", feature=x, label=y, type="regression", cv="d"), "invalid argument type")
# problem should be 'regression' or 'classification
test_that('should throw error', {
expect_error(ForwardSelection(my_mod="lm", feature=x, label=y, type="hi", cv=5), "problem should be 'regression' or 'classification'")
# maximum number of features should be an integer
test_that('should throw error', {
expect_error(ForwardSelection(my_mod="lm", feature=x, label=y, max_f="4", type="regression", cv=5), "invalid argument type")
test_that('length of selected features should not be greater than the total number of features', {
expect_less_than(length(selected), length(x))
test_that('forward selected features should have the best score', {
expect_less_than(ffs_score, control_score)
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