#' Test missing_val function
#' check for proper inputs and outputs, throw error otherwise
#' @export
test_missing_val <- function() {
test_that('regression imputation should replace missing value with fitted value', {
expect_equal(missing_val(airquality, 'regression')$Ozone[5], -11.7682028889364, tolerance=1e-5)
test_that('mean imputation should replace missing value with average', {
expect_equal(missing_val(airquality, 'mean')$Ozone[5], mean(airquality$Ozone, na.rm=TRUE))
test_that('listwise deletion should remove rows with missing values', {
expect_equal(nrow(missing_val(airquality, 'delete')), 111)
test_that('should throw error', {
expect_error(missing_val('a', 'delete'), 'Can only handle missing values in dataframes')
test_that('should throw error', {
expect_error(missing_val(airquality, 'del'), "Valid methods only include 'delete', 'mean', and 'regression")
airquality_empty <- airquality
airquality_empty <- NULL
airquality_empty <- data.frame(airquality_empty)
test_that('should throw error', {
expect_error(missing_val(airquality_empty, 'delete'), "Dataframe cannot be empty")
airquality_empty <- airquality
airquality_empty$'empty' <- NA
test_that('should throw error', {
expect_error(missing_val(airquality_empty, 'delete'), "Dataframe cannot have empty columns")
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