
Persons contributing to this project agree to the code of conduct and agree to the potential redistribution of their code under our license.

Contributor Agreement:



Each group member is responsible to be:

Contribute to the project

Where to Contribute(Workflow)

Using GitHub

  1. We can use GitHub flow (branch) to manage changes:
  2. Clone this repo. Create a new branch in your desktop copy of this repository for each significant change.
  3. Commit the change in that branch(about branch).
  4. Submit a pull request from that branch to the master repository.
  5. If you receive feedback, make changes on your desktop and push to your branch on GitHub: the pull request will update automatically.
  6. **If a major change is made by any person, tag other two. If this change is approved by all → accept pull request.

  7. We also use GitHub flow (fork) to manage changes:

  8. Fork (How to fork) , then clone this repo.
  9. Push that branch to your fork of this repository on GitHub.
  10. Submit a pull request
  11. If you receive feedback, make changes on your desktop and push to your branch on GitHub: the pull request will update automatically.
  12. **If a major change is made by any person, tag other two. If this change is approved by all → accept pull request.

How to Contribute

Code comment

Commit message

 git commit -m "A brief summary of the commit

 A paragraph describing what changed and its impact."
git commit -m "Concise summary of what you did here"

Testing conventions

Coding convention


This document was adapted from here.

UBC-MDS/regscoreR documentation built on May 25, 2019, 1:36 p.m.