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Want to edit an image in the shell instead of GUI applications? rimager is a R package that provides a quick and easy way to do some simple image processing and graphic editing. Based on the main needs of graphic editing, the package integrates four functionalities. The functionalities include: reducing the size of an image, cropping an image into a circle, reducing the number of colours in an image, and applying cool filter effects. By inputting the path of the image, users can run any of these functions with one line of code to get the desired image. This package was developed as a course project for DSCI-524 at the University of British Columbia.

To learn more about rimager and how to use it, please visit the package website.


| Name | GitHub | | ------------------- | --------------------------------------- | | Keanna Knebel | Keanna-K | | Mohammed Salama | dataubc | | Zhengyang (Zoe) Pan | zoepan00 | | Haoyu (Clara) Su | clsu22 |

To contribute to this project, you must adhere to the terms outlined in our Code of Conduct.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Note: Because some operating systems (Ubuntu-16.04 ‘3.2’, ‘3.3’ ‘3.4’ and macOs-devel) require older versions of packages (magick and plotrix) we used in development, we have excluded these OS in R-CMD-check.


Usage Examples

see rimager-Vignette

Our Package in the R Ecosystem

There are existing packages to process images. For example, both magick and imager are popular packages that can be used to resize, cut images and apply filters. The goal of our package is to utilize these existing packages to improve the pre-existing functions or to re-implement the code manually. Additionally, it automates the image editing process, producing the altered image by one line of code.

Package in python

We have a package with the same functionalities in python: pyimager


The official documentation is hosted on pkgdown. You can also refer to the html vignette.

UBC-MDS/rimager documentation built on April 1, 2020, 4:36 a.m.