death_ita: Proportion of deaths, country: Italy

Description Usage Format Data Type Representation Topic Rationale Definition Associated terms Preferred data sources Other possible data sources Method of measurement Method of estimation M&E Framework Method of estimation of global and regional aggregates Disaggregation Expected frequency of data dissemination Expected frequency of data collection Links Comments Source


Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years ( A dataset containing the prices and other attributes of almost 54,000 diamonds.




A data frame with 765 rows and 4 variables:


The cause of the death.


Percentage of death for the corresponding cause among year and class of children age.


Reference year.


Class of children age expressed in month range from the birth.

Data Type Representation

Proportion (within the variable)




Efforts to improve child survival can be effective only if they are based on reasonably accurate information about the causes of childhood deaths. Cause-of-death information is needed to prioritize interventions and plan for their delivery, to determine the effectiveness of disease-specific interventions, and to assess trends in disease burden in relation to national and international goals.


Distribution of main causes of death among children aged < 5 years, expressed as percentage of total deaths. The causes of death refers to the concept of the 'underlying cause of death' as defined by ICD-10 (WHO, 1992).

Associated terms

Underlying cause of death : a) the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or (b) the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury (ICD-10)

Preferred data sources

Civil registration with complete coverage and medical certification of cause of death

Other possible data sources

Special studies

Method of measurement

Data from civil registration with complete coverage (80 medical certification of cause of death, or nationally representative epidemiological studies of causes of child death (special studies analysing causes of death based on verbal autopsy studies or other sources for countries without civil registration data).

Method of estimation

Estimates of child causes of death were prepared by WHO and the Maternal Child Epidemiology Estimation group (MCEE). WHO regularly receives mortality-by-cause data from Member States, as recorded in national civil registration systems. These statistics are evaluated for their completeness and quality. Complete and nationally-representative data were then grouped by ICD codes into the cause categories, and the proportions of these causes with regard to the total number of deaths of children aged less than 5 years were then computed. For low mortality countries without adequate vital registration data, the cause distribution was estimated using a multinomial model applied to death registration data. For high mortality countries without adequate vital registration data, the cause distribution was estimated using a multinomial model applied to (largely) verbal autopsy (VA) data from research studies. Cause-specific under-five mortality estimates from the WHO technical programmes and UNAIDS were taken into account in assigning the distribution of deaths to specific causes. A variety of methods were used by MCEE and WHO to develop country- and regional-level cause-specific mortality estimates. For more details on MCEE/WHO methodology to estimate child causes of death, please click here. Predominant type of statistics: predicted and adjusted.

M&E Framework


Method of estimation of global and regional aggregates

Aggregation of estimates for WHO Member States



Expected frequency of data dissemination


Expected frequency of data collection



Global Health Estimates (WHO website)


A better understanding of the indirect contributions of diseases to child deaths is needed in order to assess disease control priorities and evaluate interventions.


UBESP-DCTV/rexams documentation built on May 16, 2019, 11:04 a.m.