Man pages for UCL/ADMUR
Ancient Demographic Modelling Using Radiocarbon

bluhm2421Radiocarbon dataset from Bluhm and Surovell 2018
bryson1848Radiocarbon dataset from Bryson et al. 2006
checkDataChecks a dataset for obvious clangers
convertParsConverts parameters to x,y coordinates (date and pdf) that...
CPLparsToHingesConverts CPL parameters (0 to 1) into hinge (x,y) coordinates...
data1Toy radiocarbon dataset
data2Toy radiocarbon dataset
data3Toy radiocarbon dataset
data4Toy radiocarbon dataset
estimateDataDomainEstimates the calendar date domain of a 14C dataset
getModelChoicesLists currently available models
intcal13Northern hemisphere 2013 calibration curve
intcal20Northern hemisphere 2020 calibration curve
loglikCalculates the log likelihood of a population model, given a...
makeCalArrayMakes a calibration curve probability array
mcmcMakes a MCMC chain using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
objectiveFunctionObjective function to be minimised in a search. Returns the...
phaseCalibratorGenerates an SPD for each phase in a dataset
plotCalArrayPlots a calibration curve probability array
plotPDPlots a calibrated PD of a single date, or SPD of multiple...
plotSimulationSummaryPlots a summary of the SPD simulation test
relativeRateCalculates the relative growth (or decline) rate per...
rollmeanRolling mean of a vector of values
SAADRadiocarbon dataset for South American Arid Diagonal (SAAD)
shcal13Southern hemisphere 2020 calibration curve
shcal20Southern hemisphere 2013 calibration curve
simulateCalendarDatesConverts calendar dates to 14C dates
SPDsimulationTestGoodness of Fit test, using SPD simulation
summedCalibratorGenerates a summed probability distribution (SPD) of...
summedCalibratorWrapperQuick calibration of dates, without the need to choose a date...
summedPhaseCalibratorGenerates a summed probability distribution (SPD) after...
toyToy population model
uncalibrateCalendarDatesConverts calendar dates to 14C dates
UCL/ADMUR documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 11:41 a.m.