kem: KEM RNA-Seq data

kemR Documentation

KEM RNA-Seq data


This data is composed of three files, namely kem_counts.tsv, kem_counts2.tsv, containing counts data and the annotation file kem_annot.tsv containing the annotations the KEM samples. Both files are encoded as tab-separtated sheets and can be found with the kem.tsv() function.

Credit: the data have been generated by Mr Kevin Missault.


The RNA-Seq count data for 13 ENSEMBL transcripts (ref) and 16 KEM samples is encoded as:


ENSEMBL transcript identifiers.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-01.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-02.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-03.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-04.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-05.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-06.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-07.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-08.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-09.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-10.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-11.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-12.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-13.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-14.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-15.


Expression counts for all genes in sample KEM182-16.

The kem_counts2.tsv file contains counts data for 4774 features.

The annotation contains the following variables for the 16 observations:


Sample identifier.


A character (yes or no) defining of the cells a Jurkat cells.


Jurkat cell type (A or B).


Treatment: either none or stimulated.



UCLouvain-CBIO/rWSBIM1207 documentation built on June 18, 2024, 11:26 p.m.