Man pages for UK-Digital-Heart-Project/mutools3D
Tools for Mass Univariate Analysis of 3D Phenotypes

clusterExtCluster-extend based thresholding method.
computeNNmatrixCompute nearest neighbour matrix for TFCE.
computeVertAreasCompute 3D mesh vertices associated areas.
maxClusterAreaCompute the largest cluster area in a statistical map.
murMass Univariate Regression.
murHC4mMass Univariate Regression using HC4m estimator.
permCompute TFCE derived p-values using a standard permutation...
permFLCompute TFCE derived p-values using Freedman-Lane procedure.
TFCECompute TFCE on a ventricular mesh.
UK-Digital-Heart-Project/mutools3D documentation built on April 7, 2024, 8:04 a.m.