Man pages for UMCUGenetics/mutSigExtractor
Extracts SNV, indel, DBS, and SV signatures from vcf files.

assignSigPerMutAssign a mutational signature to each mutation in a vcf or...
cosSimCosine similarity
detSmnvTypeDetermine SMNV type from REF and ALT
extractSigsDbsExtract doublet substitution signatures
extractSigsIndelExtract indel signatures
extractSigsSnvExtract single nucleotide variant signatures
extractSigsSvExtract structural variant signatures
fitToSignaturesLinear least-squares (non-negative) fitting
getContextsSvDetermine SV type and length
getInfoValuesGet values from INFO field
indelSeqFlanksStartEndGet the start/end positions for the left/right flanks of an...
INDEL_SIGNATURE_PROFILESIndel signature profiles
lsqnonnegNon-negative least squares fitting
nBasesMHCalculate the number of bases that are homologous to the 3'...
nCopiesAlongFlankCalculate the number of copies of the indel sequence are...
plotContextsPlot contexts
readSigsAsDfRead multiple files outputed my mutSigExtractor into a data...
readVcfFieldsRead vcf into R as data frame
SBS_SIGNATURE_PROFILES_V2SBS signature profiles (original 30)
SBS_SIGNATURE_PROFILES_V3SBS signature profiles (new; v3, May 2019)
splitDfRegexSplit data frame or matrix using regex on colnames
subsetSmnvsSubset for SNVs, DBSs, or indels
SV_SIGNATURE_PROFILESSV signature profiles
transformContextsVarious transformation of contexts (e.g. into mutational...
variantsFromVcfExtract relevant variant info for extracting SNV, indel, and...
UMCUGenetics/mutSigExtractor documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 2:12 p.m.