Man pages for USAID-OHA-SI/RearWindow
Automates Performance Review Visuals

rw_addpaletteRead in color palette
rw_addthresholdsExtract Threshold Values
rw_assemble_plotsAssemble various visuals for country MER performance review
rw_calc_achievementCalcuate achievement
rw_compileSetup dataset prior
rw_gen_nn_targetAppend NET_NEW target
rw_identifyIdentify underperforming partners
rw_output_mechPrepare Multiplot for each partner's underperforming...
rw_pairdownIndicator selection
rw_plot_achvPlot achievement
rw_plot_achv_agePlot age achievement for a given indicator
rw_plot_achv_agencyGraph agency comparison
rw_plot_achv_htsPlot achievement for HTS modalities
rw_plot_achv_usaidPlot achievement for USAID vs National
rw_plot_mech_tablePlot a table of all operating unit's mechanisms and their...
rw_plot_themeSetup ggplot theme
rw_plot_trendPlot mechanism's indicator quarterly trend
rw_prep_achvCreate a table for graphing achievement
rw_prep_achv_ageSetup table for age graphing
rw_prep_achv_agencyPrepare table for use with the agency comparison graphic
rw_prep_mech_tablePrep table for achievement by indicator and mechanism
rw_prep_trendReshape selected mechanism/indicator data long
rw_saveSave visuals
rw_summarizeSummarize numeric data
USAID-OHA-SI/RearWindow documentation built on May 31, 2019, 5:19 p.m.