  collapse = TRUE,
  eval = FALSE,
  comment = "#>"

To create standard visualizations across our team, we rely on one of USAID's alternate fonts, Sans Source Pro. This font is not only not native to R, nor is it a standard to Windows.


Sans Source 3 (formerly Pro) is an open source font available from Google Fonts and from Software Center on USAID GFEs. - To install on your GFE, open Software Center App, click on "Source Sans Pro (Google Web Font)", and then select install. - To install from Google Fonts, navigate to this link and click the "Download family". After the folder finishes downloading, unzip it.

Updating your Graphics Device

In order to take advantage of non-native R fonts, you will need to update your graphics device in your Global Options to "AGG".

Graphics in R are plotted on a graphics device. You can manually specify a graphics device or let R use the default device. In an interactive R environment, the default is to use the device that plots graphics on the screen. On Microsoft Windows, the windows device is used." Joseph Adler - "R in a Nutshell"

To change your graphic device to "AGG", from the menu bar, navigate to Tools > Global Options > General > Graphics > Graphic Device. From there, the Graphic Device selected will likely just be "(Default)." You will need to change it to "AGG".

Accessing Fonts in R

To use non-native fonts in R, you must load the systemfonts, which is installed as a dependency from glitr. To use Source Sans 3 typeface with ggplot2 in R, you will need to load the systemfonts library as with any other package at the start of your code.


ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width, colour = Species)) +
  geom_point() + 

USAID-OHA-SI/glitr documentation built on July 5, 2024, 3:24 p.m.