Man pages for USEPA/stateio
US State Input-Output (stateio) R modeling software

adjustGVAComponentAdjust EmpComp, Tax, and GOS to fill NA and make them...
allocateStateTabletoBEASummaryAllocate state table (GVA, Tax, Employment Compensation, and...
applyRASIntegrate pre-adjustment of t_r, t_c and t (tolerance level)...
assembleStateSummaryGrossValueAddedAssemble Summary-level gross value added sectors (V001, V002,...
assembleTwoRegionIOAssemble two-region make, use, domestic use, and Use tables...
buildFullTwoRegionIOTableBuild a full two-region IO table for specified state and rest...
buildStateSupplyModelBuild a state supply model for all 52 states/regions...
buildStateUseModelBuild a state use model for all 52 states/regions (including...
buildTwoRegionUseModelBuild a two-region Use model
calculateCensusForeignCommodityFlowRatiosCalculate Census import/export commodity flow ratios by BEA...
calculateCommodityFlowRatiosCalculate domestic/import/export commodity flow ratios by...
calculateElectricityFlowRatiosCalculate domestic interregional electricity flow ratios by...
calculateHazWasteManagementServiceFlowRatiosCalculate domestic hazardous waste management services flow...
calculateLocalandTradedRatiosCalculate domestic local and traded ratio, used for...
calculateRegionalPurchaseCoefficientCalculate regional purchase coefficient for specified state...
calculateStateCommodityOutputRatioCalculate state-US Commodity Output ratios at BEA Summary...
calculateStateFedGovExpenditureRatioCalculate state fed government expenditure ratio at BEA...
calculateStateIndustryOutputbyLineCodeCalculate state industry output by BEA State LineCode by...
calculateStateSLGovExpenditureRatioCalculate state S&L government expenditure ratio at BEA...
calculateStatetoBEASummaryAllocationFactorCalculate allocation factors based on state-level data, such...
calculateStateTotalPCECalculate state total PCE (personal consumption expenditures)...
calculateStateUSEmpCompensationRatioCalculate state-US employee compensation ratios at BEA...
calculateStateUSPCERatioCalculate state-US PCE (personal consumption expenditures)...
calculateStateUSValueAddedRatioCalculate state-US GVA (value added) ratios at BEA Summary...
calculateStateUSVARatiobyLineCodeCalculate state-US GVA (value added) ratios by BEA State...
calculateUSGovExpenditureWeightFactorCalculate weighting factor of each expenditure component over...
calculateUSInternationalTransportMarginsRatioMatrixCalculate US International Transport Margins Ratio (matrix).
calculateUtilitiesFlowRatiosCalculate domestic interregional utilities flow ratios by...
calculateWasteManagementServiceFlowRatiosCalculate domestic waste management services flow ratios by...
capitalizeCapitalize a string.
checkFileonDataCommonsCheck if file is available on Data Commons. Stop function...
checkNamesandOrderingCheck order of names (n1 and n2). Stop function execution if...
downloadStateIODatafromDataCommonsDownload StateIO data file from Data Commons and stores in a...
estimateStateCommodityOutputRatiofromAlternativeSourcesEstimate state commodity output and ratios from alternative...
estimateStateExportEstimate state export at BEA Summary level.
estimateStateFedGovExpenditureEstimate state fed government expenditure at BEA Summary...
estimateStateHouseholdDemandEstimate state household demand at BEA Summary level.
estimateStateIntermediateConsumptionEstimate state Intermediate Consumption at BEA Summary level....
estimateStatePrivateInvestmentEstimate state private investment at BEA Summary level. Apply...
estimateStateSLGovExpenditureEstimate state S&L government expenditure at BEA Summary...
extractValidationResultExtract validation passes or failures
findLatestStateIODatainLocalDirectoryFind the latest StateIO data in local data directory.
findLatestStateIODataonDataCommonsFind the latest StateIO data on Data Commons.
formatValidationResultFormat validation result
generateDomestic2RegionICFsGenerate domestic 2 region inter-regional commodity flows...
generateInternationalTradeAdjustmentVectorGenerate international trade adjustment vector from Use and...
generateUSDomesticUseGenerate US domestic Use table by adjusting US Use table...
getAgFisheryForestryCommodityOutputEstimate state Ag, Fishery and Forestry commodity output...
getBEASectorCodeLocationCombine sector code and location to the form of...
getFAFCommodityOutputEstimate state FAF commodity output ratios
getFileUpdateTimefromDataCommonsGet a datetime object for desired data file on the...
getFinalDemandCodesGet codes of final demand.
getFlowsaDataLoad flowsa FlowByActivity or FlowBySector data from Data...
getNationalMakeGet US Make table of specified iolevel and year.
getNationalUseGet US Use table (intermediaete + final demand) of specified...
getRegistryonDataCommonsGet data registry on Data Commons.
getStateAbbreviationThis function converts US state name, for example "Alabama",...
getStateEmpCompensationGet industry-level Compensation for all states at a specific...
getStateEmploymentbyBEASummaryLoad BEA State Employment data from pre-saved .rds files and...
getStateGOSGet industry-level Gross Operating Surplus (GOS) for all...
getStateGVAGet industry-level GVA for all states at a specific year.
getStatePCEGet commodity-level Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE)...
getStateTaxGet industry-level Tax for all states at a specific year.
getTwoRegionDataFileNameGenerate two-region data filename with .rds as suffix.
getVectorOfCodesExtract desired columns from SchemaInfo, return vectors with...
joinStringswithSlashesJoin strings with slashes
loadBEAStateDatatoBEASummaryMappingLoad BEA State data (GVA and Employment) to BEA Summary...
loadDatafromUSEEIORLoad data from useeior using flexible dataset name
loadStateIODataFileLoad StateIO data file from Data Commons or local data...
mapFIPS5toLocationNamesMaps a vector of 5-digit FIPS codes to location names
mapFlowBySectorfromNAICStoBEAMap FlowBySector data from NAICS to BEA...
mapStateTabletoBEASummaryMap state table to BEA Summary, mark sectors that need...
plotICFandRPCPlot SoI2SoI or RoUS2RoUS ICF and state RPC
plotResidualPlot SoI2SoI ICF and state RPC
RASGeneralized RAS procedure. Takes an initial matrix, a target...
readCSVRead csv files using read.table function from utils package...
readDatafileMetaLoad a datetime object for desired data file from local...
reportValidationResultReport failures from validation in printed messages
setToleranceforRASCalculate tolerance for RAS. Takes a target row sum vector...
startLoggingStart logging
validateResultValidate result based on specified tolerance
validateStateUseAgainstNationlUseValidate state Use against US Use, cell-by-cell
validateTwoRegionLagainstOutputValidate Leontief matrix (L) of two-region model and final...
writeDatafileMetaWrite a datetime object for desired data file to local...
writeStateIODatatoCSVWrite StateIO data to specified format, .csv or .xlsx, to...
USEPA/stateio documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 6:41 a.m.