
Defines functions mktow vel

Documented in mktow vel

# Tows

# TO DO LIST ----------------
# vel
# * make vel adjustable - values are currently specific to FMWT
# *

#' Convenience function that calculates tow velocity from volume data.
#' @param x Numeric. A tow volume (in units?).
#' @return A tow velocity, assuming a 12-minute tow for the IEP FMWT net dimensions.
#' @examples
#' vel(100)
vel<-function(x) {

#' Creates a dataset of simulated tow information.
#' @param n.pops Numeric. The number of tows to complete (or fish populations to simulate)
#' @param net.vel Numeric. The velocity of the gear moving through the water.
#' @param n.fish Numeric. Tumber of fish to place in the path of the gear for each population.
#' @param rxn.dist Numeric. The reaction distance of the fish.
#' @return A data.frame with one row for each population or tow. Columns
#' n.pops = number of tows to complete (or fish populations to simulate)
#' net.vel = velocity for the tows; constant
#' n.fish = number of fish to place in the path of the gear
#' rxn.dist = reaction distance in cm

mktow <- function(n.pops, net.vel, n.fish, rxn.dist){
  pop <- data.frame(pop = 1:n.pops,
                    rxn.dist = rxn.dist,
                    net.vel = net.vel,
                    n.fish = n.fish)
USFWS/Gear-Avoidance-Behavior-Simulation documentation built on Jan. 9, 2021, 12:34 a.m.