antecedentRR: Antecedent Recession Rate

View source: R/antecedentRR.R

antecedentRRR Documentation

Antecedent Recession Rate


Compute the antecedent recession rate valid for the end of a groundwater recession identified by fall. Primarily used as a support function for wtf.





the output from fall.


An object of class "rise" and inherits class "data.frame" of the selected data, a data frame of the recession information, and other information about the analysis.


The antecedent recession is modeled as log-linear recession, the projected recession is a fixed fraction of the current recession. The fraction is based on the last 8 days of the recession or extrapolated if the recession is less than 8 days and at least 4 days in length. If the recession is less than 4 days in length, the previous recession rate is carried forward. For any rises occuring before the first recession of at least 4 days, the recession rate is 0, which replicates the rise function.

USGS-R/DVstats documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:03 a.m.