Man pages for USGS-R/GLRItcl
GLRI toxic contaminants

createBubbleGraphCreate overview bubble graph of GLRI data
filterBlanksFilter the blanks and quality control sample data
filterGLRIDataFilter the raw data into long dataframe.
filterWideDFFilter the wide dataframe by parameter code
getGLRIDataGet QW data for multiple sites
GLRItcl-packageRetrieval, sorting, and graphing functions for GLRI Toxic...
PCodeClassSummaryFilter the wide dataframe by parameter code
pcodeINFOParameter code groups included in GLRItcl. Updated Nov. 4,...
QWPortalGLRIExample Data included in GLRItcl
shape_hydrolineClipGreat Lakes shapefiles from <URL:...
shape_poliboundsClipGreat Lakes shapefiles from <URL:...
statClassSummaryCalculate and summarize stats on GLRI data
stationINFOResults from station search included in GLRItcl, updated Oct....
statSummaryCalculate and summarize stats on GLRI data
subShape_hydropolyClipGreat Lakes shapefiles from <URL:...
sumValuesToUseFilter the wide dataframe by parameter code
wideGLRIDataConvert long GLRI dataframe to wide
USGS-R/GLRItcl documentation built on May 9, 2019, 6:09 p.m.